
Ten's reaction to the werewolf transformation was the exact moment where I got over my resistance to him because I had loved Nine so much. I wasn't sure I would ever take to the "new guy," but that just sold it for me, and I fell in fictional character-love all over again.

Jason Priestly!

Yeah, he has the no-BS manly-man thing going for him. I've had conversations with other women who were into him. I think he and Nick Offerman should film that dinner and release the video because everyone on Earth would enjoy it and probably learn something from it.

You have sunk pretty far down when your happy ending of finding peace/redemption consists of bleeding out in a meth lab as the cops close in. There's a pretty low ceiling on the "happy" there.

I went to a Baptist high school full of Millies and I can confirm that this was true at least half the time. The girl whose parents gave her a weekend curfew of 8:30 PM when she was a senior went off to a large public university and almost immediately set about banging every guy on campus. She was infamous enough that

A girl asked you to go to that year-end party, so you're ahead of where I was in high school! College can be a great place to reinvent yourself and figure out who you are, but it doesn't happen automatically. You have to make the effort. Get out of your comfort zone and try new things. It's okay - everyone else is

At least Nick wrote "Lady L" himself. "You Got The Touch" was a cover of the theme song from the 1980s animated Transformers movie.

I used to hide out in the girls' bathroom with my friend Cindy during our mandatory pep rallies. I really resented the "mandatory" part. We have crap like that at the company I work for and I STILL resent it. Enforced fun is no fun at all.

I used to live near Bedichek Middle School, which was Lee High School in the movie.

I work for a company that sells medical supplies, so we sell actual, literal douche nozzles. I have cracked up co-workers on multiple occasions by referring to someone as "a real Item #35-1660." The gag wouldn't work if people didn't already know that term.

I'm probably the friend whose family other people have awkward stories about! However, this episode always reminds me of a friend I had when I was about 10. I stayed overnight at her house a few times, and started to notice that her parents were really mean and belittling to her. They treated her younger brother

Yeah, you cannot bring up stories involving bras or - heaven forbid - nipples in front of my dad, who has three grown daughters. He's embarrassed by TV commercials that allude to breast CANCER.

I'm also not allowed to say "suck" in front of my parents, and I'm 36. Same goes for "butt" and "fart."

I did the same thing, but in about 1988. Bright blue eyeshadow and hot pink lipstick. Thank goodness a relatively cool friend of my mom's subtly took me aside and gave me a little advice about makeup in a way that didn't embarrass me or make me feel defensive, which was a neat trick with an insecure, overcompensating

I WAS a good student, but I didn't take the SAT at 13! I was 16 at the time, but it often takes a few years for a girl's cycle to become really regular. (In my case, it actually never regulated itself without using hormonal birth control.)

Oh god, maybe they're all based on me. There were dozens of kids there representing schools from all over a very big city, and it's been 20 years now, so I could be urban legend fodder.

But I thought being a dick for no reason was the whole purpose of a Newswire comments section!

I called my 8th grade pre-algebra teacher "Mom." He was a handsome, 23-year-old guy. It was weird.

I DID crush it! I only had to take the SAT once and my score, combined with my GPA and being a National Merit Semifinalist, got me a full scholarship to college.

Lindsey freaking out while she's stoned and going to look it up IN THE DICTIONARY is one of the most personally relatable moments of the whole series for me, because that is exactly what I would have done.