
I once was an assistant manager at a movie theater, and we never gave refunds if people didn't like the movie, unless they left in the first 15-20 minutes. Like others have said, sometimes people truly had no idea what they were buying a ticket for — which is stupid, and usually their own fault, but I have no problem

I vote for Ed Wood as his masterpiece. Batman Returns has a lot of flaws, but there are some things I like about it. I always liked the Bruce/Selina-Batman/Catwoman relationships, especially the scene at the big party where they figure out each others' identities. Michelle Pfeiffer is so, so hot in that movie. On the

Turner Classic Movies shows this every year on July 4, and I finally watched it last year. I loved it, although it definitely has some pacing issues. For me, the good stuff far outweighed the bad.

Well now I can't NOT see it. Let's assume little Gene Draper grows up to be gleefully evil Johnny Johnson.

Unexpected hotness
When I watched this season for the first time, I loved how well Warburton's performance works when Johnny is trying to seduce Lisa. He has the most melodramatic lines possible, but the sincerity and intensity of his delivery makes it super hot while also being creepy and hilarious. It was a

I read Pet Sematary when my little brother was 2-1/2, about the age of the kid in the book. I sobbed for about 100 pages. I don't even remember how that books ends, but the middle part just wrecked me. I really don't want to have kids, for all the reasons detailed in this list and more.

Aw, Sound Exchange
I spent some time in that Sound Exchange in the summer of '99 too!

They look like malamutes. We have a Siberian husky who usually ignores TV, but she watched the parts with the direwolves with great interest. I'm just glad she's not smart enough to understand what happened at the end.

"Me too" to your whole post, except I don't quite listen to it every day. Season 2 ended with one of McLachlan's songs too, so it's a nice callback to that.

I watched the finale at a local fan club party with 15 or so other people, and the place just ERUPTED when Giles showed up. That is one of my favorite TV-watching memories.

I am unreasonably excited about this
I can't wait to buy this. I watched a lot of Car 54 when it played on Nick at Nite, and I loved it. One of my favorite things about it is how much they feature New York's ethnic and religious diversity - something that was rare on TV in those days. It never was treated in a "very

In a lot of murder mystery parties, it's clear that the victim kind of had it coming, J.R. Ewing-style. That's how the game works - everyone had a strong motive, so you sort through the clues to figure out which character actually did it.

Supposedly, they're redoing a small bit of the animation that underlines some of the innuendo (it's the pinky-wag, for those who have seen it online), making it more American-kid-friendly. They plan to air it eventually though.

I wish one of these movies would turn out to just be a person with a nervous disposition, already freaked out by the stress of buying a house, who freaks out at the hauntings of what turns out to be a family of perfectly normal raccoons living in the crawlspace. House inspectors: the true villains of all haunted house

I saw this last night
I didn't like it. The plot is strictly for people who never have seen a movie before. I thought the performances were decent for this type of movie - good enough that I kept hoping it would veer into originality at some point. No such luck! It's mostly a long, long series of: FLASH! Halloween

I like Roasted Peanuts, a blog that examines individual Peanuts strips with lots of notes about how the characters, art, running gags, and other types of jokes developed over time in the strip. It's pretty thorough - they're still in the early '50s.

Don't be silly. They're taking anthropology now.

I'm a gun-averse lady and I like this show too. Minimal producer-encouraged bickering, and a contest that revolves around an actual skill. If I ever want to watch petty people snipe at each other about unimportant stuff while failing to have any life skills, I can just walk down the hall at work.

On the bright side…
Gottfried said some tacky things, and it got $100 MILLION donated to disaster relief. If he'd kept his mouth shut, then there'd be $100M just sitting in the Aflac duck-feed budget. Gottfried is an accidental hero in this scenario.

Tons of us know of both. Hardcore geeks tend to know more about old movies and classic detective fiction than other people, in my experience.