
In retrospect, it really is just the actress. She's bad.

My great-grandparents were Namaw and Paw-Paw because that's what my mother called them when she was learning to talk. I guess my speech was better earlier, because everyone else is Grandma and Grandpa.

When this episode originally aired, a large contingent of the fans online thought FOR SURE that Sam was a robot, like the Buffybot, because she was so inhumanly bland. It seemed logical that Warren could have made that happen.

The hamburger is one of my favorite things that ever happened in TV.

Yeah, and "cavalry" is the bunch of soldiers on horses who rescue people. "Calvary" is the hill where Jesus died.

Cliffy: My injections hurt too. They're incredibly sucky, but they seem to be doing the trick, so bring on the suck because I like walking and seeing and having bladder control and all that good stuff.

I don't think it was the network objecting, but the advertisers. Some of them were burger chains.

Beer Bad is silly, but I don't hate it. Anything that makes a dig at the suckiness of Thomas Aquinas is okay by me.

Speaking of Psych, the actress who plays the new manager at the end of Doublemeat Palace, Kirsten Nelson, is the same one who plays the police chief on Psych. A few months before this episode, she also was Young Mrs. Landingham on The West Wing.

It's silly, but not in an unpleasant way.

Yeah, Jane Espenson was a writer on ANDY BARKER.

Notoftenpunctual: Not the only one, not by a long shot. It's clear that the relationship is terribly unhealthy (for both of them), but it's hot in that lizard-brain way.

I had to watch a training video when I started taking medication injections for multiple sclerosis! It's all people saying, "I thought my life was over when I got this diagnosis, but now the injections are routine and I'm doing well and my family is supportive blahblah, so just go ahead and jam that needle in and

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought Jeffrey Dean Morgan's "friend" was really his boyfriend. When he talks about the watch being "the first thing he ever gave me," that always seemed like a pretty clear sign.

I saw this last week at a preview, and I thought it was a lot of fun. I'd give it a B based on what they seemed to be aiming for. You can see the seams from the production issues, but if you just want it to be goofy and fun, it's worth a matinee at least. If you have a theater that serves alcohol, that's the one to

The coin-drop gag is in "A My Name Is Alex," which I believe they're planning to cover in the "A very Special Episode" feature. It was damn memorable considering I only saw it once, whenever it first aired. It should be coming around soon in the re-airings on Hub though. I look forward to seeing how that holds up.

The Wonder years is airing now on Hub, the new cable channel that's owned by Hasbro. They show it all the time, right after back-to-back episodes of Family Ties. I've been rewatching the run of Family Ties, and while it's very dated and some of it is pretty bad, some of it is pretty good too. It was one of my favorite

I watched TRON this weekend for the first time in probably 20 years. I saw it as a kid, but didn't remember much about it. I was surprised by how much of the plot was kind of incomprehensible. As a kid, I was used to not getting a certain amount of what was going on on movies, but if I have to infer a movie's

Oh God, Spiders Everywhere
That would do it for me!

I laughed my ass off at a couple of things, including Vader accidentally and rapidly discovering all the ridiculous functions of the buttons on his new suit. Especially the Autotune and the roller skates. I watched when I was completely exhausted, which probably helps things seem funnier.