
All it takes is mentioning the name "Doobie Keebler" to send me on a 20-minute giggle attack. Thanks, Gorg!

I like the Johnny Johnson arc, but my view may be colored by my deep and entirely unwholesome attraction to Patrick Warburton.

MMA is 95% sweaty, muscular guys engaged in a really intense cuddle, and 5% people getting punched so hard their consciousness visibly leaves their body, like a cartoon ghost. All of this entertains me. Joe Rogan is a good color announcer too.

Yep, pretty hard for the writers to pass up that opportunity. The smoker party subplot probably came about *because* it was episode 4.20.

I thought it was funny, but only because it probably is the best way to freak out your MMA opponent. It's also desperately unsportsmanlike!

Studio 60 is one of the worst shows I ever watched more than two episodes of. I'd rather rewatch the horrid Bionic Woman remake than Studio 60.

I grew up in San Angelo, Texas, in the '80s, and stories about satanic cults appeared in the local newspaper as if the devil was as real as the USSR. I wasn't allowed to listen to any pop music at all until I was 10 or so, and managed to convince my parents that it wasn't ALL devil music. I saw Footloose at a slumber

That really is the central thesis of the show: you fight for good because even though you never can win the war on evil, you still can win some of the battles. You think the world's bad now? Let all the people out there doing good lay down and forget about it, then see what bad really looks like. Even if you fight it

A small, offscreen crossover happen early in BtVS Season 6/Angel Season 3, but it's nothing that would make a huge difference. The next season would present some problems though.

Yeah, that one makes sense to cover in one entry. I'm pretty sure that's how it originally aired, and I can't even remember where in the story the break between episodes would fall. It's one long episode.

It never bothered me. The dialogue on these shows was never what you'd call naturalistic. It was always mannered, and I always enjoyed it.

One of my favorite things Giles ever does as Buffy's surrogate father is when he offers to handle as much of the paperwork as he can in "The Body." Having someone to take on that kind of adult responsibility for you is a simple but amazing gesture. It's literally the most helpful thing anyone could do for her right

The never-confirmed (as far as I know) rumor was that Britney Spears' people wanted to get her on the show, and the WB was interested, and could have forced BtVS' producers to go along with it. So knowing this, they wrote an episode that would work even if the actor was terrible and robotic, and then it never came to

Downer Trivia
Drake Sather, who wrote "Copy Machine," killed himself in 2004. I always thought the episode was hilarious, but pretty brutal considering it's ultimately about the suicide of an ignored loner whose only social activity seemed to be his participation in a hate group. The KKK thing actually softens the

I'm just chiming in to say that my husband went to high school with the woman who played Don's prostitute friend. She's credited as Erin Cummings, but she went by Cookie Cummings back in the day. Also, this is the most clothes we've ever seen her wear in a role, as she seems to specialize in playing naked sex ladies,

Yeah, the next couple of episodes are when the show went from "pretty good show I watch after Buffy" to "holy crap, I am seriously invested in this show."

Rob Liefield
He's the comics equivalent of Ed Wood. He loves comics like crazy, but he's 100% terrible at making them.


Tales from the Crypt, Dream On, and obviously Arli$$

Yep, Dave's presentation is one of the highlights of the series for me.