
Oh, the candle allergy thing is very real. My husband can't walk down the candle aisle in Target without ending up with puffy, watery eyes. I get a headache and sore throat around strong, flowery scents. We're both able to tolerate the ones that are scented like food (vanilla, cinnamon, pumpkin spice), but most

I really liked how the tone shifted as Buffy grew up, and I liked how things fell apart for Buffy in the natural world over things she couldn't control - her mother's illness, her difficulties in keeping a relationship going. Having been through medical dramas in my own life, I thought they portrayed all the hospital

Yeah, I think they broke the story with the Angel writing staff so they would know what ground they needed to cover, and then Pterie banged the whole thing out in a three- or four-day Red Bull binge.

The look of Drusilla's new boyfriend, the chaos demon, is a callback to Season 3's lone Spike appearance, "Lover's Walk." Spike tells Willow all about how Dru left him, and says, "Have you ever seen a chaos demon? All slime and antlers!" So for the obsessive nuts like me who can still recall that dialogue a decade

On Spike claiming the last slayer he killed begged for her life, I see no reason to assume he wasn't just lying to make himself sound awesome. We also discover in FFL that his accent is an affectation, and he's not telling Buffy everything we're seeing in his flashbacks. I don't believe we're meant to think he's


Watching in the first run
We flipped out when we saw these, Noel, in a good way. Especially "Fool for Love." The first reveal of William the Bloody Awful Poet led to a lot of gasping and pointing at the TV at my house, and ultimately a lot of rewatching the tape of these episodes.

Sorry, I super-mega love Grosse Pointe Blank. I bought it on LASERDISC when it came out back in the '90s, is how much I love it.

I was in line at a drive-through bank, listening to the radio, and the DJ came on with the story. It's weird how I can remember that so clearly.

I also would read them, if they were shortish and actually funny. That series is beyond ripe for mockery.

I also am shocked that I haven't heard about this until now. What must the show's handful of regular viewers think? I assume my grandmother just thinks it's a side effect of her medications.

Riley's creepy moustache would have kept me away from this movie even though he appears to be the least irritating person it it.

But Dave doesn't *really* lust after space prostitutes - it just turns him on when Lisa yells at him, which is why he told her the thing about the space prostitutes.

I really like Season 5. The Johnny Johnson arc is especially funny. Max is no Bill, but attempting to introduce a "new Bill" would have been just unbearable and ghoulish, so I think they went in the right direction.

NPLH aired in October 2000 in the US. Was the UK a year behind? I can't remember now. I knew some people online who were from the UK, but they were keeping pace with the US airings by downloading episodes.

There was that time in Season 2 when Buffy went ice skating while Angel watched, so that could have been kind of naughty in retrospect…

Idiot Jed: I also remember watching GWBG while following election returns on the computer!

I think it's a broader issue of the men in the family feeling threatened by whatever it is that makes the women strong and awesome, and so convincing them that it's evil and needs to be repressed.

Byron: Fans began abbreviating the titles of both shows — BTVS and ATS — as shorthand to distinguish between making a reference to the show as a whole and to the characters Buffy and Angel.

No, he gets his own chair this time! And because I taught him well early in life, he won't talk or text all through the movie like most kids his age.