
I took my baby brother to see the first Toy Story when I was 19 and he was 3. He sat still on my lap the whole time and loved it. We're going to see this one together, and this time he's going to drive me to the theater. He'll be 18 in August. I kind of expect to weep through the entire movie, given the premise.

I never saw this show, but when Moonlighting started breaking the fourth wall and became very self-aware about being a television show with well-known production problems and behind-the-scenes drama, it rocked my 13-year-old world.

The Equalizer was the most clearly distilled essence of the '80s notion of "vigilantes are our only hope - cops only exist to eat donuts and protect criminals because of that stupid Constitution." It's a huge right-wing fantasy of being suave, driving a Jaguar, and gunning down the bad guys without consequence.

I saw Monster Squad for the first time last year (my husband grew up on it), and I really enjoyed it. I was surprised, as most of his beloved childhood classics are awful.

The trick is not to air shows that are in syndication elsewhere. Nobody shows a lot of those older sitcoms anymore, so they could corner the market on that.

Nick at Nite/TV Land
I don't know that they should go heavy on Donna Reed, but I would love it if they brought back a lot of the shows they used to play in the late '80s and early '90s. Car 54, Where Are You?, Route 66, I Spy, The Dick Van Dyke Show, Mary Tyler Moore, Bob Newhart, Rhoda, Taxi - good stuff. Younger

I came home from a week-long summer camp either this day or the day after. Everyone at camp had been wondering what was happening with the NBA Finals since we all were from Houston and no Houston team ever had won anything, but we had no idea about the whole OJ incident. I came home and my parents had the TV on with

Ooh, thanks for the heads-up. I really want to see this.

You never mentioned the only other song of his I'm familiar with, "The Mississippi Squirrel Revival." I only knew about "The Streak" and "Ahab the Arab" prior to the post on this site about his We The People album, as I have spent my whole life in Texas avoiding his tapes on truckstop spinner racks.

Good movie
I rented this from Netflix sometime in the past year, and it definitely was worth watching.

Me too, Bill. Spike, Wesley, and Giles are my favorites, an not just because they have sexy accents.

Really, you don't like "The Replacement"? And I like "Him" and "Beneath You."


Yep, I'm wheezing with laughter at my desk just thinking about it. And my job kind of depresses me, so thanks again, NewsRadio!

Oh good!
The episode containing the scene that makes me laugh the second-hardest (after Jimmy's book reading) is coming up later this summer: Security Door. Specifically, the scene where Dave gives his presentation on the use of the security door, including coverage of potential scenarios that only Matthew would think

I had the same experience Donna describes watching Mark Russell specials. They were promoted as if they were popular and in some way "good" (they were on PBS, bastion of quality TV!), and yet they were horrible.

I'm watching this show too, and would enjoy having it covered here.

I've seen these episodes probably 10 times since they first aired, and they ALWAYS make me tear up. Reading about it messes me up a little bit. It was so shocking to see that Josh had been shot - my sister and I were just aghast at that reveal.

I watched the show while zonked on painkillers (goodbye, migraine!), and that seems to be the best way to enjoy it.

My sister and I used to obtain big piles of Italian takeout and watch the DVDs, so I don't know how much it's really a "guy" show.