
She does seem a bit young to be a teenager's mom, but not if she had her daughter when she was a teenager herself. If the daughter's 15 and the mom had her at 17 or 18, she'd only be in her early 30s.

My mother-in-law teaches high school in a medium-sized Texas town. One of the other teachers there lives in a smaller town nearby, but that teacher's child was going to the school where the mother teaches until just this week, when the mom decided she didn't like some things that were going on at the school and pulled

I saw this movie, and it was kind of fun, but not great. I'm not a huge horror buff, although I am married to one who liked it more than I did. Certain people are predisposed to loving this type of movie, and it's aimed right at them.

Sue's story was great, and indicates that they may actually go somewhere with her character. They need to find more excuses for her to dance, because that number with Will was awesome.

I only ever saw it on Fox. Did the Showtime versions have cursing and nudity, or were those things invented after 1990?

I saw that too. He spelled it right in the "coming next" list, so I wonder if it's an autocorrect that got away.

My husband, a comic shop manager, identified the blobby representation of Marvel Comics #1 way before they identified it onscreen.

Nathan, you were the first person I thought of when I saw that headline on CNN today. After you said you looked forward to never thinking about him again, presumably Brooks just couldn't let that stand.

Target Demographics
Everyone I know who watches this show is in their 30s. I'm sure there are some teens somewhere who watch it, but I've never talked to any of them.

Because it's adorable. You'd think that someone named after a panda would be all over that!

I think I've learned a few things about management too. Mostly from negative examples, of course. Last night, I found myself yelling at the TV that either they shouldn't make any big announcement about raises at all and then talk to each person individually, giving them whatever they're getting, or announce that due

I'm having this quoted at my funeral
"Isn't that odd; to find your life can be boiled down into advice so boring even Dear Abby wouldn't run it."

I saw this one with my sister the day it came out. We thought it was hilarious, and I always was kind of surprised that it never got any recognition for being about 50 times better than it had to be. They could have just made another crapfest like the live-action Scooby-Doo movie, but they decided to have a script,

She plays a recurring character on Psych now.

Ted always has been an unreliable narrator, which is the "a wizard did it" of this show's continuity.

I thought it was called a Van Dyke.

Four: Gigli, The Covenant, Bloodrayne, and Alone in the Dark. I only saw those last two because a friend of ours is obsessed with Uwe Boll movies, and kept bringing them to movie night.

But he's delightful in Wet Hot American Summer. He's a big deal now because of The Hangover.

I watched specifically because he was hosting. If he wasn't the host, I wouldn't have watched unless another truly awesome person hosted, and I can't think of an example, so there you go.

Yes, except that was Dean instead of Sam.