
Please, God, let someone salt and burn Ric Flair's reanimated, dessicated corpse once and for all. Wooooo!

They are going to let Victor Garber sing at some point, right? Soon?

Yeah, Muse is awesome. Probably too awesome to bother with the VMAs, but they do have a new album to sell.

You know who loves Tyler Perry movies? My white, Southern, 70-year-old grandmother. She knows I like movies, so every time I see her she asks me if I've seen any of his movies yet. I don't want to start a riot by telling her I've only seen the trailers, and they seem like a minstrel show and just generally gross me

Supernatural is the addition I'm most excited about. Come on, Thursday!

Last year, Don told Anna Draper that Bobby was 5, and Sally was 8. That was in October 1962. We're only six months on now, so it sounds like Betty got pregnant with Sally before or immediately after the wedding. In the same episode, there is a flashback to Don telling Anna about his engagement to Betty, and he doesn't

Well, you're not going to happy with the music. I loved it, but if anachronistic music is a problem, you're going to have a big problem.

I was under the impression that Cordelia, being popular in high school, was doing it way back in Season 1. One time she makes reference to how her father "still thinks she's a 'good girl,'" and I think there are other implications that she's getting around a bit. I think she and Xander were just taking it slow.

And of course the reason Whedon decided to write the episode in the first place was because he always was praised for his snappy dialogue, and wanted to see what he could do when he didn't have that to rely on. It worked out!

The Bai Ling episode is pretty lame, and I remember actually wandering away from the TV halfway through the demon fight club episode during its first run. I shouldn't have though, because I missed a pretty hilarious moment from Wesley that I only saw later on DVD.

Can't say enough good things about Wesley's character development.

Ken Marino
It's been awhile since I've seen most of Angel's first season, so I did NOT remember that Ken Marino played that guy.

I loved "Marjoe" (the documentary). I came from a holy rolling, tent revival-throwing background, so it was of particular interest to me. I've always enjoyed seeing Gortner pop up in '70s B-movies and yes, Circus of the Stars. Somebody get me his number and I'll do the Random Roles interview myself!

The two-part opener for the second season is just tremendously upsetting. It gives me the trembling weepies every time I watch it, and I've probably seen it half a dozen times since it first aired. I wish we weren't stopping here — the second season is the show's strongest overall.

I'm pretty sure I knew James Marsters was going to be added as a Season 4 regular, but somehow I didn't know that Seth Green was leaving the show. That's how I remember it, but it was 10 years ago so I couldn't swear to it.

I also love Pangs and Superstar. Suck it, haters!

I rented this movie once
When it was new on video, my sister and I rented this because we thought it would be humorously overwrought, and I'm a sucker for trashy religious-themed movies (The Seventh Sign is next up in my Netflix queue!). End of Days failed to meet my incredibly low expectations. This movie was so lame

I also know her from 90210! Her performance was pretty terrible on that show, too.

I swear, I have NO memory of "Sense and Sensitivity" and I know for a fact I have to have seen it at least twice.

I wondered about that too — they always make a big deal about the UK Christmas single, and I don't know why. Is it because grandmas run out and buy their grandkids whatever's on top as a stocking stuffer, so it sells more copies? Do they even do stocking stuffers in the UK?