
Sigourney Weaver is not in The Big Chill. I love that movie though.

"Brown Eyed Girl" had a big resurgence in 1991 due to the Julia Roberts vehicle "Sleeping with the Enemy."

I have the Glee version on my iPod, and sometimes I sing along with it really loudly when I need to pump up my energy on my way to work.

My very first slow dance was to "Stand By Me" — with my 5th grade boyfriend Ian, at a Christmas dance in 1986. They played it because it was popular again, and later we all danced to The Beatles' "Twist and Shout."

If we find out that Jason also is a shapeshifter, only he originally was a puppy who shifted into being human and forgot how to change back, I will not be surprised. He's so dumb, but also so cute and sweet and eager to please.

Thanks for the explanation, camipco.

I seem to recall that Cordelia's hair changes were at least partly by network request. But yeah, she had some bad hair for awhile.

Would Giles' green card expire if he was out of work that long? How does that work? I realize they never addressed it because paperwork issues aren't really that interesting to the WB target audience, but now I'm wondering.

I think Parker enjoys seducing the girls. That's part of the whole experience for him. The smooth talk isn't just a means to an end, it's an element of what gets him off. And that's what makes him a megacreep as opposed to just an average college boy.

I somewhat disagree. In my opinion…

He may have inherited money too. His father and grandmother both were Watchers. And who knows, maybe Giles' mom's family was loaded too.

You're right! Oz can drive. They're the Magic A-Team! I guess Oz = B.A., Andrew = Murdock, Spike = Face, and Wesley = Hannibal.

It had a rocky start, but got better about halfway through. The first episode was enough to make my husband, who's a big fan of Whedon's other stuff, quit watching entirely. But eventually they addressed some of the show's more glaring issues and made things pretty exciting.

I can't ever get sick of Spike. Once again, I propose my spinoff idea where Spike, Wesley and Andrew travel around in a van solving mysteries and getting into adventures.

Cordelia wasn't really used to not achieving her goals right away. For 99% of her life, things were just handed to her. Months and months of lame auditions must have seemed like an eternity.

I like Buffy vs Dracula too.

As long as we're being SPOILERish about Season 5, how about Buffy's line in "The Freshman" about her mother's potential reaction to the price of her textbooks: "I hope it's a *funny* aneurysm."

Yeah, it's not that great. But Kathy the Demon Roommate shows up in commercials all the time now.

Yes, although I mostly remember her from when she dated David Silver for awhile during the final season of 90210.

I loved Plan B. Thought it was hilarious. And when I was younger, I saw a few priests like the one Michael was pretending to be; there's a reason the term "Father What-a-Waste" was coined by Catholic schoolgirls. That was before we knew the only guys easier to seduce (unless they were gay) were Republican politicians.