
I don't remember them ever mentioning Faith's last name. Can somebody cite when it's revealed? Was it on Angel? Because I didn't notice it then either.

My brain will be playing "We put the YEEEEEEE-HAAAAAAAW back in your motor and transmission!" on a loop for the rest of the day. Great.

Yep, we had that one in Houston too. I believe I've seen it as recently as a year or two ago. God, was Houston just a magnet for every horrible commercial ever?

Johnny5000: He was singing, "Go see Cal." We had those ads in Houston too.

I saw an early version of the first half of Up back in December, and I can't even think about the first 10 minutes without misting up. My husband cried too. I'm dying to see it, but I'm definitely bringing the tissues.

Even though David Chase has said he only did NE for the money? Sadly, most of NE doesn't hold up that well, but it was my FAVORITE show for a brief time in the early '90s.

Phoebe Cates wasn't on WW. You're thinking of Moira Kelly.

Bleh to TNG. Skip right to Farscape and Babylon 5. Beyond that, it might be preferable to review old McNeil/Lehrer Newshours rather than deal with Sliders.

I like True Blood too.

Yes! I just watched the whole run of WW a few months ago. Big hooray for the return of Buffy and Newsradio. I've never seen Deadwood, but I guess Netflix could help me out there if i feel like getting into that now. It has no ending, right?

The New York Times just gave Dance Flick a very positive review. I don't get it. From the description in that review, it sounds awful. But I'll probably Netflix this eventually so I can fast-forward to the dancing.

Chunky A!
I swear, I never would have thought about that again until you brought it up. It was gone from my memory, and now it's back. Stupid early '90s, taking up valuable brain-real estate.

I saw this movie the weekend it came out because our apartment complex had lost power, and the movie theater had electricity and air-conditioning. It was stupid, but kind of a hoot. Ian McKellan's performance was my favorite part. He seemed to be having fun.

YES! Newsradio!

Deathstroke's name is Slade Wilson. And I remain unconvinced that Rob Liefield ever did anything intentionally funny.

I just pre-ordered on Amazon…
and it tells me that "Customers Who Bought The Big Rewind: A Memoir Brought to You by Pop Culture Also Bought: The Room, Mad Men Season 1, and The Will to Whatevs: A Guide to Modern Life."

Gambit has never been cool.

The best part was when Elizabeth poured beer on Isabella's weave, and Isabella yelled, "Bitch poured beer on my weave!"

Yeah, Undeclared is a very different animal. I liked it a lot, thought it was funny, but it didn't become a part of me or anything.

Kyle's observation about white flight was spot-on. I think it's the way the bullet point is worded in the article that makes it irritating.