
I saw Mission Impossible with a guy who desperately wanted to date me, but who I wasn't into. And a big group of his friends. I had a horrible migraine that night, and we had to sit in the second row. I barely survived the movie and made it out to his truck so he could take me home. I proceeded to projectile vomit all

They showed us Harry & the Hendersons like 8 times when I was in school. I remember it being pretty crappy, even for fifth graders.

Never heard of Ne-Yo! I only realized they might not mean Neo when she started singing…something. I'm old. And my "I'm depressed/I'm celebrating" rituals are strikingly similar to each other as well.

I think his dad was still alive when the Austin Powers movies were made.

The Gravy Train
aka The Dion Brothers. I saw this at a film festival several years ago. It's a really great little movie that's never been released on video, and she's awesome in it. It's my favorite performance of hers. I'm glad you asked about it, and I would have loved more detail. It's too bad she — and pretty

I'm sure it just killed everyone in the parking lot.

I love Starman and completely agree that no updating is necessary. Especially since Jack's character arc goes from that barely-adult, twenty-something teenager that Gen X (represent!) pretty much perfected to an actual adult. I don't think he'd necessarily have to reference the Brady Bunch all the time since it's not

Weddings in uniform
I think it makes sense that the crewmembers wear their uniforms at their wedding. Most members of the military wear their dress uniforms in their weddings or other formal occasions. If both people getting married are military, they'd both be in uniform. Where was the bride going to get a wedding

I like it too. The jokes can be hit-or-miss, but I kind of like the off-kilter feeling. It's interesting that he referred to "The Far Side," since his brand of humor always reminded me a bit of that.

Never mind the chicken
I'm interested in this Black Forest cookie recipe. Share with the group!

My husband said the GI Joe cartoon had a subplot where there was an entire town made of COBRA sleeper agents. If anything, this plot was probably a throwback to that, given the kinds of pop-culture references this show loves.

That was pretty tame, and I didn't know about the lemon party thing until I saw it explained on the internet. I don't think they're trying to enforce 1960s-era standards anymore. "Friends" was doing premature ejaculation and BJ jokes in the mid-'90s.

Crass Sexualization
It's impossible to crassly sexualize Jon Hamm. Nature already did it for you. Whatever you say about him, it can't completely convey the true beauty. Like a unicorn flying next to a rainbow in front of a waterfall on a mountain by a clear blue stream. See, can't be done.

We're going to see this at a drive-in for Valentine's Day. I think that's probably a perfect setting for a silly, low-expectations kind of movie. I have never seen a movie at a drive-in before, though I fell asleep in my parents' back seat before the movie started when they saw Coal Miner's Daughter way back in

I thought it was funny. I laughed my ass off at the guy who's way too early for a rave, but then I came of age in the '90s. Maybe it went on too long, but I laughed. I'm also a fan of weird jokes like most of his flipchart stuff. I'm keeping the Season Pass on my TiVo for now.

Peach Pit After Dark
SoapNet just yesterday played the 1998 episode of "Beverly Hills, 90210" in which Duncan Sheik appeared. He played "Barely Breathing," which I had hoped to never hear again, and some song I didn't remember at all. He's just SO bland.

My husband and I both howled at the dynamite. We had to pause the TiVo and collect ourselves. Actually, I thought it was one of those crazy illegal Mexican firecrackers. I guess maybe there's no difference.

He was so hot, it nearly gave me chest pains. Let's get me out of these pajama pants.

He's vulnerable to his own hair!

Shut up, Kate
This show would be just a bit more enjoyable if whinypants Jack and usually-cool Sawyer would quit being so interested in Kate. She's boring, and she's not hot enough or otherwise awesome to inspire that level of devotion. Not dating Kate is dodging a bullet, fellas.