
Is it like in Presumed Innocent (spoilers for 20-year-old book and movie ahoy), where the wife saves it from her diaphragm, freezes it, then plants it in the victim after murdering her? Gross, regardless.

If you decide it's okay to lie under oath to convict someone you're sure is guilty, but against whom you/the court have insufficient evidence without your lies, you get thrown out of the Liberal Club. I hear the Amoral Douchebag Society has an open-door policy toward perjurors though.

Maybe they'll explore Barney and Robin's True Love that also includes an open relationship, or at least a lack of formal commitment. That might be new sitcom territory!

"I could suck the chrome off a Buick" is a MUCH better line.


Before we starting watching last night, I realized I couldn't remember where we left off last season. I watched all five seasons of The Wire since the last season ended, which made it even fuzzier. Fortunately, I had two people with me who studied up ahead of time to hold a 10-minute refresher course. That's some

Ray Wise vs John Glover in a Diablo-a-Diablo deathmatch. Who wins? The audience, that's who. They are the reasons I watched both of those shows.

I'll be watching 90210, so maybe you guys should get in on the ground floor. Come on, at least one of the writing staff saw most or all of the original in the '90s.

Very minor SPOILERS

Drew Goddard and David Fury both went on to write for Lost.


I'm pretty sure the only time Xander's Lie comes up again is early in Season 7, and it isn't really discussed. Buffy never knew that Willow didn't say what Xander said she said.

Season 6 was the only other season that ended on McLachlan. If I recall, those are the only two season finales of the entire show that end with a song rather than the show's original score.

I'm pretty sure my parents and I share equal blame for my overindulgence. However, extremely strong sense memory is to blame for my feeling nauseous if I smell Oreos. It's not a rational hatred, but a deep-seated primal one. I eat plenty of other things that are bad for me, so I'm not really missing the Oreos.

My Oreo-hurling incident was in 1985.

Things that are gross:
1. Twinkies
2. Oreos*
3. Artificial banana flavoring/almost all banana-flaovred things

Hadn't heard of this one
But it sounds like a movie I would like. I hope it's playing in Houston.

I agree, this movie plus several beers times a few friends who can get into this sort of thing sounds like a fun evening. Off to put it in my Netflix queue!

That's right, I went for the most obvious joke. For crying out loud, they're making fun of actors, not the mentally challenged or whatever they're calling them until the term becomes an insulting synonym for "idiot" (which, of course, was once the technical term for the mentally challenged/disabled/whatever).

I haven't heard that song since I was about 1990, when it made me dissolve into a fit of giggles from the dorkiness. I've always associated it with that one listen, and its mockery on Newsradio, so I never gave it a second thought. It's completely possible I would appreciate it a little more now as opposed to when I