
Weren't Miatas kind of a lame mid-'90s car anyway? I never knew anyone who had one. I test-drove one once, and I didn't like it. Do they even make them anymore?

On further reflection, I think you're right. I don't have my DVDs on hand to check.

Station Sale is the one…
…where they discuss the possibility of a format change to lite FM, and there is a bet over whether or not the next song played on another Robertson Communications station will suck, and the next song turns out to be "Wichita Lineman"? That song could cause a brain aneurysm.

Every time we open a closet and stuff falls out of it (sadly, this happens quite often), we refer to FM&M courtesy of this episode.

"Profoundly Disturbing" isn't written like an old-school Joe Bob review. It's a series of serious essays on films. It's definitely more John Bloom than Joe Bob, but Joe Bob is more of a household name so that's the name that went on the book.

My husband insists he wants to see this
I think I'll see Dark Knight again instead. I'm still all Mummy-ed out from 1999, thanks.

10-year-olds voting
As a veteran election judge, I can assure you that a 10-year-old couldn't vote or try to vote without being noticed or stopped. Not in my precinct, young lady!

Always loved her on H:LotS
That show went right in the crapper once she was forced off the show. Coincidence? I'm glad she's getting decent roles here and there.

Agreed on The Wire. And Mad Men is fantastic. It's possible that this Golden Age is just getting started.

It's funny because having a treasurer implies that the club has money to keep track of, and therefore must be organizing some type of fundraiser from time to time. Not that they were unlikely to sell anything at the Sunnydale High We Hate Cordelia Club bake sale.

This is the worst attempt at firsties ever.

I'm starting a club that won't allow Ian Flemings as members
I think it's interesting to read books and see movies from decades past because it gives you an idea of the kinds of attitudes that were deemed acceptable for popular entertainment. Less than 50 years ago, it was perfectly fine to suggest that Korean

Reptile Boy
Reptile Boy was the first episode I ever saw. The show was airing on Monday nights at the time, and I had a class then, but for some reason I was at a friend's house when it was on that week. My first impression of the show was that they were leaning pretty hard on the slasher-movie trope of "girls who

I like "Ted" too. I always thought it was really scary and upsetting, mostly due to the stuff that's so realistic instead of any fantastic elements.

Ethan Rayne is so awesome. That actor shows up all over the place, but he'll always be Ethan to me.

Possibly less tasteful than actual acts of terrorism
They've been running this ad for a couple of months now. I think we can all agree that the people who dreamed this up should be locked up and sterilized, but let's keep running the ad for awhile so we can round up anyone who actually calls in to buy it for the same

Spike's plans going to crap becomes kind of a running gag in the series. He enjoys in-the-moment fun rather than nurturing a master plan. I doubt that was intended when they wrote this episode, because Spike only supposed to be in a couple of episodes and then die. But they liked the actor and his chemistry with

"Gazizza, my diznoofus" is an all-purpose greeting.

I always enjoy and look forward to ATAVC and would hate to see the feature disappear entirely. Maybe it could be biweekly or monthly?

That glossary is wack! I graduated high school in 1994, and I can assure you the only definition I've ever heard is the one where you pick a bunch of songs and put them on a tape. You might keep it to play it in the car's tapedeck, or give it to your sweetie. Later we did the same thing with CDs, and now we just call