Winnebago Man

I agree, he doesn't always make his own best case for the argument that we cant pretend there's no connection between doctrine and bad behavior/ silent consent of oppression (of many, obviously NOT ALL, and good relations on all levels with the millions of Muslims who abhor the extremism is crucial in the fight- which

I think it's worth noting Franken has a special consideration unique of politicians given his comedy history, the right can't wait to smear him as more Hollywood elite than professional governor. (Yes that Trump is a celeb know-nothing is but one of a thousand head exploding ironies.) But yeah, I'm sure he can do

Maher is a big Lenny Bruce fan and one of his most legendary bits, depicted in the stellar Dustin Hoffman / Bob Fosse movie with an avalanche of epithets across races and cultures, makes the exact point of freer use stealing its power. However I think as the movie depicts, Bruce was naive and overly idealistic (not to

Yeah, he's very pro BLM, and almost all Afro-centric causes. How he can be friends with Ann Coulter given such things I have no idea, but his stances have been pretty consistent that way.

Even though I think it's fair to accuse Maher's white privelege showing, I think it's blindness to say (not that you're saying it) he's a flat out bigot, after his passionate arguments on many subjects such as Black Lives Matter, voter suppression, public education, demonizong the welfare state, the drug war, prison

The one I remember he was defending contextual use of the N word because of it meaning something different and non-racist to him (probably considering himself honorarily black after writing racially edgy jokes for Chris Rock. Fun fact many writers for In Living Color were also white and Jewish.). (He defended the gay

I have mixed feelings on LCK but he's not that unlike Maher in being a provocateur who clearly agrees there are many overly offensive uses but rejects absolutes in the name of comedy and self expression. (Which I agree to in theory, and am a fan of both but object to Maher's stupid joke and some CK bits.). Which goes

Peele waited to announce the Morgan show until it was sure the accident didn't leave Tracy not-punchy. Amiright??

Hm, I loved Get Out, but It's not exactly subtle.

Per Tigercat's comment, yes, not knowing this is a good thing. If people really want to waste time on dumb fads, do it with cinnamon in your mouth.

Is Dylan a dick though? I see him merely as aloof, to keep from engaging in every stupid line of discussion the press and public expect the famous to engage in. It's a defense of one's own sanity.

It's a ridiculous claim from any angle. What about the literally 100's of 70's variety shows, including race themed like Richard Pryor and Flip Wilson, and the politically charged Smothers Brothers. I think the hesitance to loudly call bullshit was from fear of scaring him away another 10 years.

How'd you do that hide the redacted text thing? That's the coolest.

Bitter rage over someone so innocuous is probably best expressed to a therapist.

Dead on.

Amen; I hated the very concept of Fat Bastard so much that it's hard not to think of him when I see Shrek - which although not my favorite thing, is at least solid and redeems Myer's solid accent.

I always felt I was with both Farrell and Myers about half the time, other half couldn't bear the relentless mugging and repetition. Throw Carvey in there too. Ultimately though I think Farrell has had the worst impact on movie comedy, cementing the formula of a shitload of random riff improvs stitched around a

And a snappy video.

The long piss scene, also perfect timing. But with unfortunate influence; I most associate Adult Swim with the now predictable repetition endurance test comedy. The theory goes, as it goes a little too long, it starts getting funnier. Keep going and it's not that funny anymore. BUT keep going after that, funniest

Especially ridiculous to expect the full ranks of a pop culture impressions factory to steer clear from doing their collective boss, that's just insane. I somehow feel sure Ackroyd, Belushi, and/or Murray had a solid Lorne down long before Carvey came along. Hell probably even Gilda.