Winnebago Man

Also since a big part of the humor was the other characters' discomfort in not knowing Pat's sex, it does sort of imply if you're uncomfortable without a label for someone's identity, maybe that your problem, not theirs. Pat was fine with who he/she was, and no one was looking to ostracize anyone. Yeah, what an

Partly because even in the makeup Thompson still looks nothing like a black man. Unlike Mark McKinney who did a blues man in black makeup, with character voice. Ah, the 80's, were ever so young. (Oh I was going to also mention Dave Foley played Pat's partner Chris in the movie, I think David Spade was Chris on the

One of those quality shows I stopped watching when I realized, hey wait a minute, this isn't entertaining enough to stick with an ensemble full of unlikable characters. See also Girls and House of Cards.

They did that a ton in the Phil Hartman era. I think writer Jim Downey influenced that. He was behind Toonces the Driving Cat which I think had a theme.

They were wise to make it a sax instrumental on the film soundtrack, the lyrics were pretty crap: "I'm all alone at the drive-in movie / The feeling ain't so groovy / At the passion pit without you" Blech. They probably figured they were redundant to its replacement Sandy, a far better tune.

As a girl group fanatic, those chick songs are some the best crafted and on-point genre wise on the soundtrack. Sadly they were pushed to the background as atomospheric jukebox noise, where as Raining on Prom Night and the also stellar Freddie My Love were front and center in the show. What makes both of those great

I'm pretty shocked at these mentions of Caufield. He seemed to me like the charisma free jock in the original that Danny knew would bore Sandy to tears. Not that I took any of those characters that seriously… But he really seemed like a male model in over his head. His actual 50's equivalent would be Fabian, Zuko is

Rock n Roll was the cultural Big Bang for bringing black culture to the mainstream, that's incredibly exciting. Also on the vanguard were the beats and their preferred soundtrack, be-bop. Not to mention Sinatra at Capitol, all the best material from the golden age of songwriting, in many dozens of definitive versions.

The G2 songs are indeed, truly horrendous to the bone, the melodies, lyrics, and 80's reverb plagued productions. Grease has some musically iffy moments but even as a roots rock fanatic who saw the 50's branded as candy-ass novelty tunes by the whole throwback craze, it's still undeniable that as a Broadway spin on

It's the hammer that sees everything as a nail. There's one website that goes on and on about how Whedon promotes "rape culture." It's fucking nuts. I sincerely shudder to think of the abuse that writer suffered to be so reactionary and reductive.

Dollhouse is also very fem driven show.

Have they forgotten Poltergeist? PG, scary, terrifying clown. It's all in how it's done. Grade schoolers need to be terrified too.

Even normal size daddy long legs inside the house are horrifying little monsters, that will become giant while you sleep if not killed immediately. Their legs can still move after detachment from the body. What more proof do you people need.

These pile on threads are gabber guff.

That would be news for Deadpool 2.

Our culture is in the relative Stone Age in terms of understanding of and empathy for mental illness. As I see it a huge swath of people repressing awareness of their own depression and anxieties just elected a cartoonish example of all of the above as President. All kidding aside it makes me feel a bit sheepish

Surely results of Chucks suicide will impact his relationship with Kim in some way and it will be a combination of things. Plus he'll still need to make a living and his client list is toast.

Jimmy's support always drove Chuck's well of shame that much deeper. In a weird way advising him not to care had a sincere element; for all his love of complexities in law he couldn't manage conflicting feelings for his brother, the black sheep narrative was all his ego would allow.

By the way he was blinking, horizontally prone and kicking the lantern like some final dying effort, I got the feeling Chuck arranged it to lose consciousness as the fire took hold. Maybe an overdose of pills, the most obvious, or an intentional gas leak; there was a gas hissing sound, but then I assume the lantern

The essence of the mercenary nature of law practice; you are taking a side in professional self interest, the job is then justifying it.