Winnebago Man

Absolutely, it's kind of chilling. The fact he's offering an amusing sum of money…

Like most of the brighter lights in big time show-biz, Colbert is apparently a fan of what Fallon does. But please AV Club, never, ever stop blaming Fallon and SNL for single (double?) handedly plunging us into the quagmire of the Trump era. Even though both shows have always dumped on him since long before his

I think it makes for a rich tapestry of art intertwined with the complexities of life.

That was the jokey *excuse* for the rift, but since Shagged is as steeped in lame retread as any sequel ever, I don't give them much credit for anything based in having a real point, outside of $$$$$$$$$

Agree. By contrast I think Tomorrow Never Dies by Sheryl Crow is one of the best late entries - better than Adele's Skyfall IMO.

I think AP1 was remarkable for taking a lot of bits and spoof tropes that weren't exactly fresh, and giving them definitive upgrades, anchored by a character that, it's easy to forget, just seemed bizarro batshit insane coming out of the gate. I remember seeing a teaser poster with just an image of Powers and retro

A good friend of mine did Austin / Evil around the offices and socially incessantly , but it helped that they were absolutely spot on and he was very funny including from having genuine improv experience.

Mark McKinney beat him to the punch in Kids in the Hall's Brain Candy (even if only a few dozen people ever saw it.) as the CEO of the drug company. He definitely included the "right…right…." bit.

I loved Spy. Love Archer too, although somehow I don't see either as affecting the acceptance of another sequel one way or another. If anything Archer references might make it seem more relevant, even if it isn't.

1&2 are nearly up there with Sat Night Fever / Staying Alive as a Love it / WTF is this wretched bullshit? for me. Worst sequel formula at play: repeat all the jokes, clone a character (an old SNL trope I mostly hated including when it was just so the host could do their drunk party imitation of _____,) amp the

God it's good to hear someone say this; The Martian is one of those unremarkable (except technically) movies everyone seems to love so much I don't bother arguing; why be the wet blanket when it's at least a well crafted movie with its heart in the right place. But it's so damn rote. Can-do Astro-superman soldiers

"The Internet Saw Wonder Showzen Everybody!" Not that I don't enjoy this editing style, (and still sing praises of said source) and I myself have emulated it, but exactly how long is the style alone going to be considered the cuttingest, edgiest of the creative cutting edge?

The answer is yes because as soon as Palin appeared out of nowhere, anticipation built over Fey returning to SNL to pay off the obvious resemblance. When she finally did there was a national sigh of relief (possible sexual being that they're both hot.). The coup de gras was when they included one of Palin's word

No, it's still not clear if he took objection to it not hitting hard enough or maybe even too hard. They did one "I approve of this message" bit that called him on being a desperate self serving filthy shameless lying rat fuck. Then again he guest hosted I think and they didn't kiss his ass but didn't exactly filet

Huh, lets all remember something we've never heard of. WTF are you talking about (a link maybe?). Even if Al wrote a bit as bad as that sounds, there's a little tradition in comedy of sometimes doing something really shitty. I think you'll find this true of many of the sharpest comic talents of modern times, of which

He was playing nice with the guest, maybe reflexively after skewering him non-stop w jokes for roughly an entire year, dude (and even got some decent shots in that night.). He was not stumping for him. That is, sorry, bullshit. Carry that grinding ax around if you want but you can put it down if it gets heavy and

Largely, yes. But Obama kills, the man has deadly timing. And, you know, Al Franken, and a few others.

Funny, I didn't see him saying "so talks shows shouldn't have AS MANY republicans as on as democrats"? I agree with your media false equivalence issue, and I blanch at seeing conservatives on SNL, but the broader an entertainment platform the less you can expect them to reject booking huuuuuuuge media figures that get

I think Fallon played a little too nice with Trump but what no one seems to weigh with this are the hundreds (thousands?) of monologue jokes slamming Trump very stingingly to huge audience approval, and he stays with the flow with any guest tearing Trump down. (Not to mention mocking his bloviating idiocy in

It's a huge favorite of mine, and I think even as AV Club has praised it, I think it continues to do so in unfairly reductive fashion; it was previously cited in an endorsement of quality "middlebrow" movies, which came off as inately faint praise. Describing the CU's in this scene as TV / sitcom seems like a