Winnebago Man

Few could disagree, yet I decided long ago to surrender to *potential* interest in all AI films, along side other aspects of genetic engineering it could after all be the greatest new frontier of man's relationship with technology. Not that we need as many AI films as we once did Westerns, but if we've involved half

Ironically everyone in Britain would find this utterly laughable. More people give a shit about history there. Here, oldies radio freeze dries early Rock 'n' Roll down to a suffocating play list of about 400 songs, if that. Good times, great oldies, zombified consumers.

Theses are all elements of style and attitude. What CK seems shockingly clueless about in terms of a historical narrative is it's importance as the birth of Western youth culture dominance, and the mainstreaming of black entertainers within that, a clear stage setting for the civil rights movement. Both are


Berry songs ooze sex, in a playful way. Little Richard unleashes sexual savagery. 1950's Elvis wavers between the two, and adds a vulnerable side of emotionalism that made him seem less threatening. Obviously black sexuality was innately "threatening" to white America so racism plays its part, but even beyond that I

And it could likely have lots of good unreleased footage. Lots of media went uncatalogued not thinking there'd be much future use, and lots of fans were snatching stuff up left and right. 5,000 bootlegs and counting don't lie. Hell, 30+ "musical shorts," I.e. officially made music videos only saw the light of day

Oh since when did full quotes and context make star bashing more fun? I much prefer this version where he says "She's given me a lot of pleasure…" then dead stop in which we're to imagine the ominous ticking of a clock as Woody winks one eye creepily, smiling and gesturing down towards his lap.

To many "Distressingly Clueless" is another phrase for "Amazingly Predictable." And by many, I mean anyone who knows anything about Woody Allen's films and/or relationship struggles made public in screaming headlines for decades running.

AVC is on the shocking hot button expose's lately. First the brilliant deconstruction revealing a maudlin Billy Crystal black man monologue originating in the 70's is, you may want to sit down for this, tacky and datedly Un-pc. Now I have to seriously pour myself a tall, stiff afternoon libation; internationally

Totally. There's one thing actually far lamer here than Crystal's out of touch bit, and that's Sharpling's sanctimonious, self important takedown, which seems to confuse self righteous hyper-exaggeration with humor. " He's embodying the worst racist of all time." Never thought I'd say this in defense of Crystal,

There actually was a pretty good TV movie of this for Showtime I think, Nixon was the warden from Shawshank and Elvis was really well cast with an obscure guy who was on Veronica Mars named Rick Peters. It gets overly broad with some dumb cheap shots, but actually captures a real poignant vulnerability and childlike

mostly but see my comment above, that one scene told a whole different story for me

There's one I think called Wild Man Blues but it doesn't dispell anything; mostly about his jazz endeavors, but it actually chrystalizes the origin of his insecurity in one key scene. Near the end there's an encounter with his parents where he mentions his work in some fashion, and they act utterly oblivious to any of

I'm a fan but he's clearly a workaholic artist, who are often compelled to make stuff whether there's an inspired idea or not. (Or for actors who don't even need the money, a script worth a shit.) He's a great example also of the limits of psychiatry without any means of building mindfulness for presence in everyday

I felt like I could just reach out and fondle Hugo's facial warts. And the wine glass scenes made me feel tipsy!

Gravity in RPX (Regal Premium Experience) was less upcharge than IMAX at my theater but IMO as good as any IMAX presentation I've seen. Absolutely (pun alert) stellar.

I haven't seen Last Airbender, but I doubt it could top SK3D for pure insufferable wretchedness. And Stallone as a supposedly comic villain was So. Fucking. Bad.

What, do you have something against endless grey CGI drool, snot and pond scum sloshing around in your face??

Ditto for the Amazing Spider-man. Everything about it was a muddy, unfocused slog. I'm a sucker for 3-D, but it made that lamefest even more turgid.

Avengers wasn't shot in 3-D but they did in-production preparations with technical data for the post convert. I think they were still trying to perfect that process because some of it looks great IMO, but the final battle not so much.