Winnebago Man

SK3D is one of the most stupidly, garishly headache inducing movies of all time.

For me the 3-D was the one thing that made Avatar watchable. Otherwise I'd have ditched.

Re: Music in early mob scene. I'm pretty sure there were two songs both sung by Clyde McPhatter. Which is funny because I had previously been thinking as one of the great under-sung heroes of R&B ( A heavy influence on giants from Elvis to Smoky Robinson) he would be a great choice for a fever dream sequence.

So many people glad the show is over; hey long sufferers, tip for the future, a show can be over for anyone who just stops watching!

Perfectionists often nit-pick small details and miss the big picture judging others' work, and towering geniuses tend to be highly enigmatic. Young Sondheim was a convinced by mentor O Hammerstein to do just lyrics for the cache of working with the esteemed vets Bernstien, etc., despite his inclinatin to only do

Minority pilot was very not good, but IMDb some heavy hitters, it's amazing the turds some of the best have their names on. Godzilla wasn't so bad, plus it ain't Shakespeare, it's all about the action set pieces. More environmental resonance would have been cool, but at least they didn't have Matthew Broderick

Agreed but wasn't it an availability issue? I think BB S5 was still in production, Cranston obviously didn't even have time to grow a real beard. Didn't stop them from presenting him as the star though. It's the Anthony Hopkins / Micheal Caine / Ben Kingsley bit roles effect: Class for hire.

Oh I can't stand that trend. And there's apparently no song too goofy to "reinvent" with an ironically dark droning arrangement. Even Avengers did it with the Pinoccio song (though at least it was referenced in Whendon's (and his cowriter's) script.) They'll do it with Afternoon Delight before it's over, you just

As someone who has produced many promos for mainstream cable TV networks, I can tell you the higher profile the project, the more everything is under micro-managed control-and the more cooks helping make the most predictable homogeneous tasting dish imaginable. Often people who second guess everything in a neurotic

That line IMO desperately needed tweaking to "EVERY Rocky had a montage." EVEN implies it's a film you'd think unlikely to have one, but the opposite is true: Rocky's training sequences (through Creed) absolutely define the modern process montage as the most iconic, repeated and imitated. Trey Parker is such a

You make some fair points, but quite possibly your most horrific hour of television? Oh brother. Either you have watched very little TV, or you are spouting some insufferable hyperbole. "Worst. Show. Ever."? That's like playing the Nazi card - save it for when it really applies, otherwise it's just drama queen

Um, that sounded nothing like Joel, he was never one for those faux Stevie Wonder vocal runs, he was always had a Beatles sense of tight melody, and any soulful embellishments were straight out of Ray Charles. None of that stuff bears any relation to the "singing as athletics" contest shows. Also Joel's voice always

I agree with everything said here, and yet there is one contradiction where I think Jimmy reflects a certain hypocrisy of law practitioners in general, in a way that maybe Kim, and certainly Chuck are not comfortable facing as it challenges their so called idealism. When Jimmy helps doughy drug guy fabricate

I think the Nazi's laughing at Jesse's testimony tape was Gilligan firing back at the callousness of viewers with no compassion, rooting for bad guy power games without sympathy for those hurt by it.

Kim is a character who becomes more physically attractive the more you get to know her. I shifted into full on crush mode a few episodes in this season. By the way, look at the header photo for the AVC review of S2 E2, The Cobbler. She looks amazing and the shot is loaded with niorish sexual tension. Jimmy actually

I'm sure it's true, just as I'm sure it's a stock piece of his self mythologizing he's fantasized about including in a memoir or auto biography, or at least mentioning for an industry magazine profile.

One thing doesn't fully gel, that Howard knew Jimmy especially through Chuck's eyes enough to know it was definitely a risk. Part of his anger is projection from not weighing it fully himself.

Especially because the beer was a nostalgic gesture, their hometown brew. Only a prick (or someone on the wagon) wouldn't at least crack one open.

He might seem tolerable, until he feels slighted by you, then stand the fuck back. Lawyer ego freaks NEED to win. Cue promo for The People vs OJS.

Surely a gap of 10 to 15 years indicates he was an accident, that's one of the first things I read into the show. It's so perfect, for Jimmy to know from the start his existence was not intentional. Even his brief musical theme gets clipped, poor sonofabitch can not get an even break.