Winnebago Man

Rebecca's sperm joke was best of the lot, she flubbed hers too but still connected with Jimmy. Of course the jism gag is one of his fav's !

I think he would support her to honor his son even without a kid though. Plus notice, pretty lonely life this guy has, he can use the company, and the last connection to his son on an adult level. No one knows Mike like she does now, and being known can be an essential comfort.

Chuck never should have told their father in the first place. Jimmy could have been guilted into making good on it anyway, a relatively small amount. Chuck couldn't resist proving he's right about Jimmy even if it breaks their frail parents heart. That's as much on him as Jimmy. He probably has buried guilt about

Moreso talking dead.

Mike is too badass to just die. Motherfucker respawns. Can't wait to see him retrieve Saul, in disguise with a Cinnabon cap.

There was some amazing CGI youthifying of Carla Gugino (sp?) for Wayward Pines flashbacks, it's exiting the possibilities now that it can be affordable for TV.

Well I do think it's a pretty specific transition phase musically, where even as some acts, in the early days of so called corporate rock, get increasingly theatrical and musically florid / excessive, there's also an undercurrent of presumably more vital pre-punk, and on the more commercial side, the soon to come

I get the significance but SO not my cup of tea. Saw both of those for the first, and last, time, together at a NYC rep house. Talk about a body of work that should never be binge watched. I felt literally sick to my stomach in the theater and the rest of the night.

I'm not so sure Devon is gonna sit to suffer that long. She's super pissed early in and seems to have some cache in the art scene she might leverage for something unexpected. Not as directly opposing as say Lester, but something enviable enough to stay under Ritchie's skin. Unlike Carmella S or Betty D she also

Clearly they know not of the great Friday Night Lights misstep to have learned from it.

I loved when she called him on his content free bullshit. We need her to moderate the GOP debates.

No, we're not going to play fucking Stonehenge!!

Stairway to Heaven carved out a niche for Hobbit Rock that lasted through the 70's.

Maybe this will be a Peter principal story where he uses smarter people and survives on balls alone. People do rise to their level of incompetence. If so hopefully, unlike our shitty bosses, we'll at least get to see his big fat head smashed in at the end.

I agree but I wouldn't mind him being a little less humorless; Soprano and Draper were a-holes but right there with the rapier like wit when they felt like making the effort. Of course Walter White had no sense of humor, but his dorkiness was just unintentionally funny.

Carnavalle is doing a great job with some undwhelming material. Anyone interested in seeing a more human side in a fresh role for him, the Nick Kroll indie vehicle Adult Beginners just hit Netflix. Stellar cast and a better flick than AVC's review might have you believe.

Like we haven't had enough musician stories in movies and TV? Even complaining about music bio cliches is now its own cliche. Thank god it's at least about the business and not the stars.

Lester becoming manager is the one promising and interesting development since the pilot. I hang my hopes on it, because the Life and Times of Ritchie and Devon is not that interesting frankly. Also, give us as much Juno Temple as possible (which you can interpret any way you like and not be wrong.)

No, it's better than that, but only as much as it needs to be, so far, to keep rockist dinosaurs like me on board. Which I am, probably for the long haul, no point in pretending otherwise.

It only just occurred to me, will the new label name be the meta-riffic Vinyl ? Is everyone ahead of me on this? I don't think it's a bad label name but I think it would make it less cool as the show's title.