Winnebago Man

Category fraud has become as big an Oscar tradition as terribly written award presentations.

I see you at least acknowledged my comment above on the hyperbole of Crash hate. I'm also inclined to defend Haggis since he cowrote the perfect Bond reboot, and trashes Scientology every chance he gets.

Personally I think the Coens have a higher batting average on relatively straighter genre pieces than the parades of unbridled eccentricity. True Grit may not be their greatest but it's rock solid, and another Coens / Bridges pairing was an unexpected treat to relish; this is probably the first I've ever heard of

The mouth-foaming hatred for Crash around here is ridiculous. Some people believe it's somehow responsible for 9/11.

The most overrated movie of that list is not The King's Speech, it's Black Swan. That's a ticket for which I feel the rave critics of that one-note pretentious sludge still owe me $12.

Same on Burn; I wasn't even sure what to make of Lebowski the first time. However, I always found individual scenes in both very funny, whereas there's a slew of scenes in Hail with a light comic tone but just aren't funny and never will be. Most of the scenes actually. (Though I enjoyed it in general for the

I'm still in doubt. Although I'm pro-Joss Whedon all the way, I would never say what supers movies needed was *way more* ironic quipping. I don't know the characters history but it looks like a barrage of insufferable jokey glibness to me.

Though it could have been cool to see how Indy got things done while really first looking out for #1. Certainly better than whatever the fuck that was we all payed $12 for.

I always love the dirty fighting scene because "fighting fair" for mortal enemies is ridiculous hero bullshit anyway. What, it's "fair" for me to die for the sole reason you have physical superiority? Fuck that shit.

Even the album Justus which had full group participation was, sadly, mostly pretty bad. The best track was an unnecessary remake of Circle Sky.

Some short form sketch style ones only, but I have treatments of full ones, I hope to make one or more of. Lyricist looking for interested composers!

Same with Musical Theater Writer's Survival Guide.

You must mean that special category of has-beens who can still fill Wembly. Or maybe you just meant they're too old to be a hit at the Grammy's.

The Brill Building staff wrote some of the greatest rock 'n' roll records of all time, for many artists. Songs the Beatles were collecting, even covering. For some reason it's considered cool for the Spector groups and such, but not the Monkees. Those and the Motown groups are the valid comparisons, and how many of

Yeah the Simpsons quote was one of their occasional lazily forces jabs that kind of misses the mark, making it feel like you're watching Family Guy for a minute. They brought a lot of counter culture / experimental attitude to the show and their records, and by Head were biting the hand that feeds at levels Kurt

Since Jones and Wynnette were known as Mr and Mrs Country Music with good reason, with a relationship more stormy and legendary then Johnny Cash and June Carter…Since Jones is regarded by wide consensus as the all time greatest country music singer, and his auto biography details incidents that would have killed 10

Like most of the supercuts featured here, Who The Fuck Cares, Internet.

Double score if that's also intentional reference to the Elvis TV movie.

I suspect his parents never taught him to respect other's things; he must not have had a Superdad.

Exactly. How is it no one in spitting distance at least remarked conversationally, "wow it's crazy this is a century and a half old," even if the prop master was off grazing at craft services.