Winnebago Man

I notice Ben Kingsley as Ghandi isn't here unless I missed it. Makes me wonder if there are any others still regarded as great performances that were left out to make it look as bad as possible. To be fair Natalie Wood is included and West Side Story is a beloved Classic in which I think she's regarded as still

I love how these entitled "law and order" pricks have no hesitation stealing the work of musicians for their campaigns.

Yes, Hitchens whose hatred of religion made him the wish list guest of honor at every GOP event. Likewise Hicks, whose celebration of porn and recreational drugs, not to mention rabid anti-authority screeds, made him downright electable. Speaking from personal experience, not identifying as a Democrat doesn't make

Elvis wouldn't have let them use his music though. He was staunchly apolitical in public life, and even his private support of conservatives is exagerated because of the Nixon meeting, in which his views on The Beatles being subversives was his own fabrication based on things a Nixon staffer was reported as saying

I've always said, walk softly and carry a Big Lots.

Are you saying the lyrics of Rednecks are Randy Newman's own personal sentiments? Surely you couldn't know anything about him and believe that.

This response to me perfectly illustrates a real problem with the 0% tolerance policy regarding white artists and the word where it entails examining the word itself or its dark resonance in the culture. You have just dismissed an entire literary device, writing from a idiosyncratic character point of view, for the

With all due respect. Your language is so loaded with presumptions here. Someone arguing that it is theoretically appropriate for a non-black to use the word, especially in art, given the correct context and intention or meaning, does not mean they are eager to somehow use it themselves. There's no reason to believe

Not true, and Ms Rife clearly didn't at least surf the net to confirm Swing was a deader relic than motorcycle sidecars. The fact is, swing matured out of its mass media fad stage into an unhyped cultural fixture in which there have been more steady dancers, and far more advanced dancers in this century than ever

There's lots of bands that play the swing dance circuit, and pretty much none of them do that exagerated zoot look anymore. it's back to a basic retro jazzbo look, and all the lyrics aren't all hepcat this and jive daddy that. some of the bands are un-fucking-believable

Yes, how stupid of anyone to learn a physical skill that's an active healthy pastime where friendly people meet and have fun "moving" their "bodies" to music by some of the past century's greatest musicians and composers, from an era of incredible innovation and cultural integration. What's up with all the "fun" they

True Detective S2 wasn't so hot either, but at least it wasn't supposed to be funny.

So Groucho's Undead Bloodbath: A Night at the Slaughterhouse got the green light, then?

Will Reilly be gaining a bunch of weight for this? And will Artie Lange start an Emmy's boycott for under representation of full figured comic actors by Hollywood in casting non-fatties for lard-ass roles? And will Kevin James stage a televised protest suicide?

The Who's bass man? No, Guess Who. The The!

And Cary Grant never said "Judy, Judy, Judy," we know. When the truth pales to legendary impressionist misquotes, print the legend.

Aaand up goes another glowing music feature on indie rock band Dawes in 5…4…3..2…

I love Armisen but I think there might be a lot to ex-wife Elizabeth Moss' statement that Armisen's best impression was when he acts like a normal person. Then again she's a Scientologist so the relationship might have been one big competetive "crazy-off."

But the whole thing made no sense, when else has Seinfeld interviewed a comic performing a fictional character? It might have been a decent episode if she was being herself, she's a fixture of the Broadway cabaret scene and has done several world tours, she could have had plenty to talk about as herself. She does a

According to my girlfriends' daughters they only showed highlight video edited from their wedding, but it wasn't orchestrated like a social media stunt. I'm not a big fan of the online exhibitionist trends, but I've seen enough of her YouTube material to know she keeps a good ironic distance from it and treat it all