Winnebago Man

This piece though is just an announcement to her established fans and has no comic premise much less payoff. You might hate all her other videos as well, but this is strictly for the already initiated. Since she announces news already covered in the article, a less, ahem, lazy approach would be to find an

My theory is it started with MTV cutting in unmotivated shaky-cam, black & white b-roll of people sitting and talking to camera. Any iteration of that bullshit still makes me angry.

The Miranda videos however have a lot of awkward pauses in her monologues, and she also refrains from doing the obnoxious reframing from ECU to Med Shot back and forth jump cutting that some of these douchey YouTubers do to add phony visual interest.

As someone who has witnessed Mirfanda-dom first hand, I will defend her as not being overly commercialized, seeing as the most popular form of fan expression is recreating Miranda's look by spending $4 on ugly clothes from a thrift store, and another buck on a cheap lipstick from a Dollar Tree.

Season One did have a perfect ending, but I'd like to have seen more. Caitlan Gerard as Amy would be reason enough to watch, that girl is infinitely adorable.

What most people don't seem to know though is that Ballinger can actually sing. Here's a clip from a live show where she sings as herself while putting on her Miranda clothes and makeup, then flips into character. I saw this done live with a different song, and when the sound drops out during the change, it's

I actually love everything ironic in Starship Troopers, but this exchange reminds me of one of the DougLovesMovies snarky critique I think makes this point beautifully, here's the entire review "Hey Adaptation fans, keep reminding yourself the ending sucks *on purpose!*" In that case yes, to me, it still sucks.

That Seinfeld appearance made no sense from the get go anyway. It's supposed to be the actual comic talking with Jerry, not a character. I think the performer would have had plenty interesting things to say about this new form of celebrity. Instead it was an incredibly awkward pairing that made no sense in the

That may be true but this is not a good demonstration of that. My nieces and girlfriends' daughters (who are all friends), ages middle through high school love Miranda, and they're some of the brightest, funniest, most creative kids I've known. I was skeptical at first, but now I totally get it.

So you guys really feel this video has some payoff?

Quick, someone replace the entirety of Good Job Internet with scans of comment cards from Wendy's and IHOPs. It's not quite as random, but way more entertaining!

Yeah, but never before has there been such total disconnect between visual and sound, it's as if the two have nothing whatsoever in common. And yet it's the same guy. That's so crazy!!! :^O

My old man did same, said call them officer. I've also heard giving to policeman's charity funds is a good investment if you get a sticker to put on your windshield. That seems like great advice, less likely to be dismissed as ass-kissing, if they even care, that is. Even though that's just what it is!

If nothing else she undoubtedly signed on for being the subject of countless ribald slang expressions indicating ample boobs, not to mention unseemly discriptions of what Billy Bob wants to / has done with said boobage. Some likely using the word fuckstick. Giving a new connotation to "fan service.".

Yeah, see that sequence made me feel less self conscious of my white guilt.

and don't forget his lampoon on John Wayne in Big Trouble, and Eastwood riffing as Snake Plissken

Russel was so perfect for me as a drive-in mainstay going back to early childhood with the Disney movies like Superdad and the Dexter Riley flicks, and later the Carpenter flicks when I could drive myself. So glad Atlanta had a great drive-in presentation of Grindhouse, that was just a blast.

Maybe I'll think differently some day but nothing in H8 would justify keeping me at a theater for 4 hours.

I don't quite rank Jackie as his best, but I would say his most soulful and mature.

I saw H8ful at a mostly black patron theater where audience restlessness is often easily detected, and the Sat night crowd seemed pretty locked in and definitely responsive to the humor and the shocks.