Winnebago Man

As an evocation of rambling, trashy B-movie thrills, Death Proof is everything it needs to be, presented in its ideal setting.

I enjoyed H8 thoroughly, but an hour in I was so glad I didn't bother with the Roadshow business - overture, intermission, even longer, 70mm, oh please. Even for a director famous for excess, the overkill is cartoonish.

There you go. See my comment about Jackie Brown above .

You guys are way harsh on Jackie Brown. Besides the addictive hang out in LA quality on par with Pulp and The Big Lebowski for that matter, it's also Quentin's one genuine (if platonic) love story - as opposed to sick dances of codependency - and also rarely anchored by a host of beautifully underplayed lead

He's the only actor I can see taking over both young Han Solo and Indiana Jones. He has that masculine weight and command of Ford plus chops second to none.

How about Prometheus Vs Logic. I think we know which gets beat to a pulp.

1. If only media forced upon you is fair game for critique, then AVClub shouldn't even exist. I'm very glad it does, however Great Job Wankernet is, IMO, done with nowhere near the smarts or sense of taste (or sense period) as the rest of the site. To opine that it is simply not worthy of AVC in its current

Clearly you miss the irony; it's a viral spotlight feature, but with all the effort and insight cut out!

Confirmed and almost as bad is that AVC pays people to find and feature said useless shit. Pointless, unwatchable supercuts, now pointless unwatchable whatever-the-fuck-you'd-call this. Are they under the impression that exercises in borrowed interest editing mindlessness are hard to find on YouTube?

And I'm not saying you're stupid, I'm saying you're just wrong.

I don't discount the point, but it's also possible they loved the music and loved performing it deeply, and like any musician in the world would, jumped at the chance to get paid doing what they loved.

Go ahead and include every black one too; show me an American form that isn't influenced by European folk, hymns, and/or parlor songs in some way. Not to mention lyrics written in, um, English.

Never knew that, great to know. That would account for that trebley sound of the acoustic in the intro to Bye Bye Love. I assumed it was a high inversion like those my hands are too weak to play properly.

Listen to Beck's Sea Change next to the Lp Classic Lightfoot and tell me there isn't a thread there. Lightfoot had song craft out the ying yang.

Technically the Everly Brothers did do some "folk rock," but of a very different late 60's FM radio style, in response to folky sounds of Everly fans like Simon & Garfunkel and The Byrds, on songs like Bowling Green, Empty Boxes, Love of the Common People, and most of their acclaimed LP entitled Roots. They even do

A Cincinnati DJ definitely played "Everybody Wants You" by Billy Squier 14x in a row, when it first came out. Presumably a PR stunt, and one that worked - it was all a-buzz at school the next day. Supposedly management had security break down the door to end it, but that's certainly dubious. I think the DJ was

Yeah, did it, though? I always assumed that was mere blatant hype from a rock-leary press in wishful thinking, or pandering to rock-hating parents who were far more comfortable with Harry Belafonte on the living room tv set than Little Richard or Elvis.

You may well not be stupid, but taking that comment from a total stranger so personally isn't what I'd call smart. But I'll go with probably immature, and definitely from a fragile ego. It gets the best of you. Even the assumption no smart pop culture fan could be ignorant about anime has no logical basis. Plenty

Holy shit what an inappropriately defensive response, especially for a mild corrective to a *super* hyperbolic statement. I was about to say the same thing about Buffy also flying in the face of your claim, but I won't bother to explain (the nerve of him risking insult to your literacy by illustrating his point on a

The problem with slippery slope arguments is that once you validate one, even if it has merit, it opens the door for all kinds of them which do not. Wait, that came out weird.