Winnebago Man

Totally. Have you seen the video from a New York Times online series about film fundamentals, focused on action editing and montage? Dark Knight is used to demonstrate some completely bungled definition of space, and boy is the point well made. The armoured truck sequence is an unholy mess of crossing axis and

I can see that argument, particularly the rule of altering history as that is clearly over the line. I don't know the comics and had no idea time travel was a basic power.

Because you could die too, just like John David-Stutts

Also the Earth turns backwards when he flies agaist the rotation, then the direction is righted again by him flying back the other way. How that's supposed to translate as a way to travel backwards and forwards makes it no less ridiculous, or even clear what the hell is supposed to be happening. Either way, his

Everything that happened is undone in reverse, so the distinction is technical only and makes it no less stupid. Though admittedly it would invalidate my alternate scenario. No I never got that he was traveling back in time)

This being the case, where the hell is the remastered Special Edition already?

Yeah, the amount of outer esteeming an adolescent star gets has to make it hard to build actual esteem. Everyone "loves" you but for what you are, not who you are. That could fuck anyone up.

It's stupid as shit any way you slice it. Turning back time vs. traveling back in time is way beyond splitting hairs, more like splitting atoms.

Sorry to trash something others clearly love, but this is the internet. I will say this, at least Batman made Birdman possible, that's a redeeming factor.

Totally. Anyone who thinks Cage is an appropriate Superman anywhere outside bizarro world must be smoking some sweet-ass crack.

Routh is fine but I go with the Reeve impression take, though admittedly he hasn't much to do from the script.

Rewatching Robocop recently reminded me of and reconfirmed my opinion that it is the greatest comic book hero STYLE movie. I assume the qualifier is necessary even though there have been Robo comics (I think) because they would be after the fact.

I nominate this as the new official name for this feature. This goes double for any incredibly pointless mash-up.

I don't know much of Amy Schumer's stand up but I've always had the feeling Iliza is going for a more standard chick comedy thing (and i don't mean that derisively really.) I've always thought of Whitney Cummings a one of the worse purveyors of that, but her most recent album on Spotify is pretty good, definitely

I think the female Dane Cook comparison applies in some ways including ways that are not so bad. Cook can conjure up some great details to flesh out a bit. His recent description of an upbeat Oprah show starting with her riding out on a hovercraft then giving each member of the audience their own school (a school?)

It's gotta be better than that painful other Steve Martin dentist movie with Laura Dern. I forget the title, but like a visit to the dentist, it felt interminable.

Seymor wasn't just a stock Moranis performance though, he is younger and way dumber than most of Moranis' classic roles. I find him kind of surprisingly unlikable as a character.

Hilarious. Reminds me of my mom unexpectedly wanting to see Aliens with us (talk about watching a mean green mother from outer space.). I was surprised she wasn't scared shitless by it, and she said "Whenever I started getting too scared, I just thought of them as puppets like those Gremlin things."

For a while around the film's release I'd see it in nearly every budget DVD bin, apparently a public domain property that any two bit vid biz could exploit, appropriate for a cheap ass exploitation picture. It's watchable but drags, in an Ed Wood sort of way. No pun intended.