Winnebago Man

This is the man who did two Garfield's so he's still a mortal human, but I find that scene a definite highlight. Murray a homo-erotic s&m creep and Martin a sadistic Elvis with gay panic? I mean, c'mon!

I found Pushing Daisies Tim Burtonesque; visually great, narratively and tonally frustrating.

I love Kristen Wiig but lately she seems to be in a string of limp, lame character roles. But then I didn't even like Bridesmaids, so what do I know? (Though I did like Wiig in it.)

Duh! Larry Storch, Forrest Tucker, and Bob Burns.

Part of this can be explained by the fact Sondheim considers his forte to act as an extension of the author. Though IMO he is not giving himself enough credit. This is in character for the self effacing qualities of an unfailing perfectionist who judges his own work as harshly, possibly more so, than others.

As stated above, the choreography and lyrics tell you all you need to know to invest in Tony and Maria. The show, certainly less than Shakespear, isn't about articulating love (or even, more realisticaly, infatuation,) it's about fear, pride, conflict. There's a great amount of time in which neither are dominating

The actors are a bit old but the choreography demanded the cream of the crop of trained dancers, who were also up to acting. That ruled out using teenagers. The character is told through the dancing as much as anything else, and they all exude explosive youthful vitality like no dancing in any other movie musical,

I love snap zooms and bemoan how they've gone out of favor except as occasional camp reference.

It is dead, or at least on the critical list. Sure, fuck Footloose the Musical, but if you don't like Singin' in the Rain, you're deader inside than any of the above.

I believe they knew Cool and Krupke belonged as in the movie but made a compromise because of the physical limitations for set transitions.

Fosse wanted to do Chicago with Madonna, and maybe he was brilliant enough to pull it out of her, but whenever acting is concerned, I just don't see it. She's a dead fish on ice with dialogue in her mouth.

It's funny to me that people still accuse The tough guys fight dancing as hopelessly dated or silly, when it has been one of the most potent and repeated elements of many music videos including several of Michael Jackson's best. Mohamed Ali can be described as having had the grace of a dancer, but dancing can't Evoke

They should bring dubbing back, especially where ever Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter Burton are involved. I always thought for Evita they should have cast Sharon Stone and dubbed with a Broadway ringer. Not that I care that much because I don't like Lloyd Webber's music.

Except for the brilliant music, lyrics, and choreography, and timeless themes.

I'm gonna cuff-'em tonight!

Not abstractions, ingenue archetypes. The love at first sight nature of R&J is a dated conceipt for which realism in complexity was not possible or necessary. Ingenue leads are commonly the most bland characters in musicals. Beymer was a believably naïve horn dog, and Wood was poignantly fragile, and resonant in the

GVS: prat, twit, nit-wit twat

Daniels must have been playing nice for this; according to an Amazon review from a fan who got his autograph on their cd, he opined that it was "pure crap." C3PO voice "how rude!"

Soap opera is a lazy bullshit comparison for quality storytelling given that the term signifies shallow emotionally exploitive trash. Please stop using it for such.

Just posting "Just posting "Red Letter Media" isn't really a valid rebuttal" really isn't a valid counter rebuttal, because I *didn't* just post "Red Letter Media" for my valid rebuttal.