Winnebago Man

It's hard to notice such subtleties when your character looks like wiggly CGI rubbish and panders to toddler sensibilities with corny baby talk and terrible sight gags. I suppose if the Jewish merchant creature had a scar on his chin you'd compare him to Han too.

I can not agree that Christensen is good as Anakin, but I'm sure whatever drugs you are on are AWESOME.

That's like being the funniest actor on Saved by the Bell. You sir have damned Ewan with the faintest praise imaginable.

It would be cool if someone could make at least one prequel that scraps all that headache enducing garbage and gives us someting decent. But I imagine Lucas' rights over the original material will prohibit this. Maybe we could at least get a stand-alone movie with an Anakin and Ben who are acutally flesh and blood

Red Letter's Pinkett would like to have a few words with you apologists. His videos have said all that ever needs to be said about why the prequels are cinematic toxic waste, and with running times comparable to the films themselves, having one million times the entertainment value (except for the psycho woman killer

I respect your acumen in digging some seeds of good ideas out of that shitpile of incoherent self-indulgence, but honestly trying to think that deeply about all that mega budget soul-withering junk just makes my head hurt.

Shrek's hacky use of pop songs that don't remotely fit casts it's long shadow once again.

In a director's chair, drinking a large coffee.

Of the two trailers with Charlie Brown in them, neither are very Charlie Browny.

There's a very well informed thread on THE Elvis freak forumn that discredits what I also thought to be true. Memphis mafia all say he was saying what Nixon wanted to hear in the infamous letter, just to get his honorary badge. The exact accusations had been printed from a cabinet member interview days before Elvis

"It's a better name than Jesus, and almost as exclusive." - Elvis Costello

I think it took a few years. They had premarital sex but he had a big Maddona whore complex and believed in marrying a virgin. Many would be one night stands talked of Elvis wanting nothing so much as to stay up cuddling, kissing and talking all night. Of course he nailed hundreds too but he was sexually complex

All true, plus rockabilly is to a large degree country, unless Blue Moon of Kentucky was a Louis Jordan song and no one knew. Hell Jordan, Berry, and Little Richard all had heavy country influence. Maybeline is rock n roll, not R&B, and that's part of why. As culture integrates music ceases to have a color. Elvis

Next to Bill Cosby

Take it from Little Richard who "thanked god" for Elvis opening the door. Almost immediately artist like those names were on the charts, in movies, and most important perhaps, on TV variety shows. Black culture was in white living rooms for good, that's a sea change.

It's worth a tour just as a time capsule of Americana with some amazing artifacts collected by a psychologically complex person.

Well confirmed. The Hilton waved massive losses for the Col for working Elvis to death in Vegas. I'm the early seasons he was doing 2 shows a day every fucking day until he needed a day of to avoid collapse

Wrong. It's well established he was intelligent, inquisitive, an avid reader, and an explorer of spiritual wisdom with many Eastern influences. His education was not first rate and as a superstar at 21, he entered a bubble exacerbated by his managers control issues. You know not of which you speak. He was no rube, no

I think people should practice more restraint where it comes to soft porn.

Only if it stars stars John Tuturro. You know, as the handsome stud. That women PAY to fuck them. Or at least a super hot "John Tutorro" type. We're all on board with this casting, right???