Winnebago Man

The most important thing to remember, it features David St. Hubbins on Lead Guitar, and Nigil Tufman on Lead Guitar.

I'll have to check UFO out. Perhaps you know the bizarre plane-crash themed DOA by Bloodrock; that always seemed like an influence, and just the kind of bizarro hit Harry Shearer and company would love for it's over the top drama and camp.

And it's commercial because fans want anthems to declare their taste to the world. Contemporary country vomits up lifestyle accessory bullshit, focus group engineered for this express purpose on the daily.

Yes, certainly country was going pop in '75, and John Denver is a good point as relevant to the folkie thing, but I also think Denver was in a category of his own as a crossover smash exception rather than a trend. (And of course many in Nashville hated that Denver was welcomed by radio programmers. A likely very

Dead on. For example right here AVC praises Lonely Island's hip hop parodies as extra potent for knowing the genre inside and out. Weird Al of course always gets the details right including in his style pastiche originals, which tend to comment more lyrically on the actual music than the rewrites of hit songs; and

I first heard "Grandma" on the insanely great Marshall Crenshaw compiled collection of 50' Capitol country music called Hillbilly Music, Thank God Vol. 1. If you don't have it, it's absolutely essential that you get it. If you like Skeets, you'll flip over The Farmer Boys' "Flash, Crash & Thunder." It also ranges

See my post above about why celebrating and defending R'n'R made a lot of sense in its infancy when the establishment was predicting another year or so before everyone came to their senses and it would be gone for good. People were as excited as fuck to cut loose at a whole new level of cultural / psycho-sexual

see also: Road Runner, Modern Lovers

Kiss music would have been only slightly less accurate in representing mainstream Nashville's country music at that time. That ridiculous Henry Gibson recitation was as contrived and phony a parody as the bullshit music in Bob Roberts. Keith Caradine's "I'm Easy" was pure white-bread MOR folk/pop a la Bobby Goldsboro

American Pie is rock 'n' roll, the folk element doesn't disqualify it any more than Dylan going electric or related bands like THE Band, or The Byrds. When Elvis started and there weren't many useful labels he and others were sometimes described and even marketed as singing jumped up "folk music." The label makes

Oh I'll push those buttons. I'm down with Oasis but think Kiss is one of the great rock 'n' roll hack gimmick outfits (pun alert.)

Did David Crosby audition? Hard to see rolly polly polypharmacy Dave being a Monkee. I think Graham Nash auditioned but he was never in The Byrds as far as I know; he was too busy kicking ass in the Hollies. I'm sure Stephen Stills did, he was pals with Mike Nesmith, in fact if you compare I believe they have a

I want to agree but I think the reality is the longer a normal person fights a rich scumbag in court, the more their resources and possible winnings are rapidly depleted by the American Attourney's Beneficiary Society, aka, the US Legal System. And if you lose - which is very possible even if there is ample

Could AVC club have picked a more perfect picture for reinforcing whatever inclination you have regarding this story. It's either "look at that warm wonderful man you're slandering," or "look at that smug self righteous asshole."

I think making some sort of sick joke is a legitimate riposte to Cosby's hipocracy of valueing decency in pop culture over real life. (Which is not to say I don't agree with a lot of his criticisms. But like Hannibal said, he's been officially disqualified.)

And these Room people have officially been overindulged with unwarranted attention starting riiiiiiiiiiiight…now.

But at least his Harvey is funny. His Cosby is DOA. Also don't bring a mediocre Cosby to the stage where Eddie Murphy nailed it - which now that I think of it was creepily prescient in that Cos was a spokesman for beer and getting kids drunk in the commercial.

Ooops I made a similar joke above. Your royalty check wil be in the mail.

Who do you think is better, Bill Crosby, or Bing Cosby? Both have awesome christmas sweaters.

Steve Harvey kills humor. And when he's not doing that he's putting out self righteous life advice books he's only slightly more qualified to write than Gary Busey.