Winnebago Man

The only thing almost as sure as being a child star to fuck you up is being the child of a star.

I think it's just possible that is not to be taken literally. Unless you also believe his wife Camille's face splits down the middle and her eye sockets radiate beams of light.

If Bubba is in the White House again and has another sex scandal, that's 2 years worth of cold opens.

I have to wonder if they'll occasionally pull him off the bench for an impression no one else can nail (and they'd have to be pretty old.) Kind of like - though for very different reasons - Dennis Miller who was almost strictly Update, but would occasionally fill a bit that called for his brand of snark. The best

Case in point: Frank Caliendo.

No he's not. He's great.

You joke but the plan is Daryl Hammond doing Hartman, in the Troy Maclure type area.

I think its a lot more complicated than that, such a reductive label allows for no duality, whereas pop culture is repeatedly transformed by creators who also think with a businessman's head. That's Lorne to a T.

Yeah but Belushi et al could hold their shit, hit their marks, and kill week after week. To be fair to Lorne he had to defend a lot of craziness with the stuffy network invasion by a counterculture outfit. Symbolic gestures to show he wouldn't tolerate true loose canons may have helped him keep his job.

I think I speak for millions when I say Fallon has the giddiest and most infectiously silly groove on TV right now. It may not be to your taste but there is something very special going on on Tonight for the first time in many a year. (Conan was good but no different from his Late Night gig. Fallon however becomes

I see you are fluent in the language of shit. Anyone else got a bogus Donnovan takedown?

I think it's there on its own. Donovan is the man. Film writers love to slam Donovan in the don't Look Now scene where Dylan plays him …Baby Blue. I understand Dylan is more important, but personally I enjoy Donovan 100x more.

Which was in Zodiac also I believe, though it could just as easily been Season.

Honestly I thought that was very rough and sounded no more like Williams than your average bar band warbler. I'm excited about the casting but worried about him doing the singing if that's the plan.

He might not be too down on it since a black man taught him guitar and the blues.

Tom Wilkinson IS Ernest Tubb

But Hamilton didn't do his singing, it was Hank Jr.

Watch the spoilers on Foxcatcher, Goddaammit! I know it was a news story but since sports news is an oxymoron to me, I had no idea. Further in my defense it is not mentioned in the trailer which remains very mysterious. So again, WATCH THE FUCKING SPOILERS.

The 5 lost Commandments are all about free markets. (Literal physical markets. Where slaves are also sold.)

I bailed and took the new version right back to Redbox. I'm sick to death of teams of scientists, explorers, etc. who all look like American Idol contestants. Especially when the "original" was filled with grisly old codgers. Give me the good old Wilford Brimley days…