Winnebago Man

No sacrelidge calling it the original; the 50's version is so different (not scary to modern eyes) they could have called it an homage and given no official credit with a few basic setup changes. An example of vastly superior remake. Moreso a remake of Alien really.

Parents took us to see Grizzly at the drive-in. Well technically to see the first feature, but we stayed. We liked it. Kids don't give a shit about movies being derivative.

The chest burster scene is so unrealistic though. Black guys don't eat pussy.

Big-up's to Sean O'Neil on another in a long recent string of funny-as-shit Newswire items. Classic Onion worthy, just beautifully conceived and written.

I'd like to think they are differentiating between "jokes" and "humor," but based on the Green Lantern bit, that's probably giving their executive brain power way too much credit.

That album is pure pop comfort food, the kind with actual nourishment. Which was as intended, as Crenshaw said his aim in his writing during that time was partly to relieve his own anxiety with material that was fun to perform as well as hear. I'd call that a grand slam.

I wouldn't blame the writers; I think in many cases it's testament to Michaels not letting enough new or experimental stuff through. Past writers have spoken of his turning down tons of material they were passionate about out of hand. Remember people like Conan and Bob Odenkirk etc. had writing stints, yet several

His defining characteristic is playfullness, and it benefits both his monologues and his interviews. The monologue riffing especially playing off Higgins and sometimes the Roots is great, and guests including A-listers get sillier and looser there than you've ever seen many of them. I'll take that for late night

I love Fallon now and his geniune giddy amusement works great for his hosting style. In hindsight, and taken a sketch at a time, it's funny to me. And yes, there've been plenty breaks on SNL. But he was certainly the most frequent to do so, prompting host Ian McKellan to ask him in rehearsals, "Are you going to be

How can that be when he dated Elizabeth Moss who is a Scientologist? Oh, right…

Not the greatest comparison (and not merely because I think REM is the most boring band ever,) because Gin Blossoms weren't remotely "Alt. Rock" except in quickly broadening marketing terms. They were more along the lines of a bar band version of melodic anglo rock, neither of which were ever considered especially

Who killed himself, so that should earn them a little early-90's edginess credibility, yes? Except to Gene Simmons or Henry Rollins of course.

I had a one shit wonder of a weekend once, that was brutal.

If you're referring to Till I Hear It From You, that's a fine song, co-written by the more-than-fine songsmith Marshall Crenshaw.

I'll take that invitation by setting fire to your personal sense of semantics which no reasonable person shares. Suicide = taking your own life. Murder = taking that of another. Calling the one the other isn't a new and interesting angle on the subject, it's pure fucking sanctimonious wankery. Stuff a sock in

Most super cuts: So awesome…ly tedious.

The illustrator Afua Richardson is a good friend of mine here in Atlanta. We've done music work together and she's as amazing a vocalist as she is an artist. AND, she *very* closely resembles her Genius character Destiny. Yes, she's that fucking cool. Some might call her a triple threat…

As is sometimes the case, looking back on this exchange I realize there was no need for me to be such an asshole about this. I plead guilty to the charge i leveled at you about being an obnoxious ballbuster because of the relatively distanced and anonymous nature of these interwebs. I can be a dick sometimes on

Much appreciated. Sincerely.

No, the author did not say no technique in Bay films is supported by the content. If you watched closer before your snap judgements you would have noticed that he first *deliberately* showed Bay using the hero shot in the appropriate context. It was *not*, as you assert, him bungling his point with examples that