Winnebago Man

Busted, I made the video. That must be the only explaination for calling bullshit.

One more note on this West Side Story issue you seem hung up on, since it is one of my favorite films. The reason the shot and edit Bay praised works in a way that his craft doesn't, (with the implication that this is why he is unable to explain their cinematic meaning,) regards the conflict between the gangs as made

Um, actually yeah. Here's another example of you seemingly playing dumb, this time to the universally acknowledged phenomenon of people dumping on people's work from a safe distance in ways that under various less removed and anonymous circumstances they might be more respectful, and consider the value of that

If you can't see the overt similarities in the Star Wars shots and the Pearl Harbor ones, I suggest an eye exam. To your defense, well duh, all art is derivative, I don't need your pointers from Creative Theory 101, thanks very much. I suppose if the piece's author demonstrated the difference between drawing

The Rock works as an action movie partly because it also plays as a comedy of excess. A few movies later we realized Bay took this worldview seriously, and the bullshit stopped being funny. AVC did give the 3rd Transformers flick a highly qualified recommendation on this stealth style comedy basis, but a 15 minute

His point about mayhem being charming on a small scale, which I noticed you didn't mention - perhaps as it would clash with your "this guy has only one good idea" theory - is a brilliant one. Another Coen's example would have been great there too, any number of scenes say from Raising Arizona, particularly the foot

"Partly astute analysis and mostly horseshit" applies more to your fussy gnit pick of a solid video that demonstrates a lot of why the director who just made a 4th Transformer movie 3 hours long, is a shitty storyteller, in a piece under 9 minutes long. Presumably his big failing was in somehow not saying everything

Yes, those gimmicky crazy stunts, i.e., comedy bits that KILL with viral and water cooler talk, and have won over the admiration and participation of a legion of A list talent in comedy, film, and music. What a hack.

Is it also true that due to fanboy internet pressure, Sondheim has added the following stanza for the 3 bears:

But…He's a fake, and he doesn't know the territory!!

Speaking of sticky, see the Cinderella lyrics posted above.

To me the most quotable lines are from Cinderella's song The Steps of the Palace, which has incredible rhyming of every kind. I tried to pick a highlight but every stanza is fantastic. FYI, delivery is neurotically swift, but not racing like a Gilbert and Sullivan patter song, which would damage the geniune

Let's just be thankful they didn't use Kristen Chenowith. (shuddder) (bigger shudder w/ shaking out of arms and legs)

I don't remember her voice in Mama Mia (memories of that movie were forcibly erased by other parts of my brain,) but she did well belting out that country tune in, I want to say, Postcards from the Edge?

I didn't not see Sweeney Todd which also cut essential material and featured the singing of non-singer Johnny Depp. I sure won't make the same mistake of not not seeing this one!

They need to just let them make the OK Go movie already. "Want me to pick up some tickets?" "OK, go."

As have I, as have I. At least your time produced some masterful justifying though, which will help me be less distracted and dismayed re-watching in the future.

He's certainly very good in what is a very enjoyable film, but am I the only one who find his performance distractingly gay? No homophobia implied, and I assume Dreyfuss is straight, but I just don't see that character getting down with Marsha Mason or any other woman for that matter.

I see your point, but Fever does have a good number of iconic scenes: the strutting open, the bedroom mirror preening, the giant bib "whatch the hair" dinner, and the two Brooklyn bridge sequences are all classic and frequently referenced scenes as well.

In addition to my previous response, I here point out the irony in contrasting this film's content & sexual politics to that of Grease.