Winnebago Man

That's about as a good a rationale as possible, I think. It makes it a little more believable as they get acquainted, even if he notices her dancing before he knows anything else about her.

She's not bad, but the depth of her role is sub-soap opera. The women characters are 1 dimensional counterparts of Tony's macho swagger, and unlike the original, his weirdo sexism is bizarrely condoned by the script having no comment on it whatsoever. Devane ultimately plays a hissing cartoon bitch that Tony

What's really a shame is that the editing can't do anything to help Karen Lynn Gorney's clumbsy, graceless dancing. Seriously, this is the one major flaw in one of my favorite movies ever. Her acting is spot-on, especially the devastating "He helped me, what was I supposed to do?" car scene, and the comical first

I believe original partner Gene Siskel named SNF as his favorite movie, and actually came to own Travolta's iconic white 3-piece suit.

Another great read on SNF is a Vanity Fair article on the making of by Sam Kashner (normally linkable but it seems to be down at the moment.) Among the revelations: SNF choreographer and resulting "Dance Fever" TV host Danny Terrio was not so much responsible for Travolta's moves and movement as another uncredited

Fever is awesome, and awesomely dark. When do you think the next smash youth culture zeitgiest hit will feature a gang rape condoned by its "pussy finger"-weilding hero, who afterwards calls the girl disgusting, followed by a suicide for which said hero's insensitiviy is partly responsible?

Remember Vinnie's impression of an addict on "a very special" WBK? "Gimme drugs…gimmee drugs…."

In Night Shift, Dr. Detroit, and as early as American Hot Wax, I thought she was the hottest thing my adolescent eyes had ever seen. Bobbi Fleckman in Spinal Tap however somehow didn't do it for me. Maybe I was confusing sexy with sexist.

That might be more a case of poor continuity control (due to lack of budget) during the shoot; there was likely no better way to complete the sequence given the available footage. Editors rarely miss such things and there was normally plenty of time for such fixes in the edit bay (as they called them in the linear,

Here's a mash-up I made featuring this scene, intended to *really* show the power of editing. And the power of Christ! This draws from my experience as a promo producer, largely for movies, my love for SNF and 70's movies, and my hatred for terrible sequels. A little thing I call Saturday Night Evil:

That was the topper, but it was more than enough to kick it off with several minutes of moronically generic "I hate that shit so much, I'd rather jab my eyes out with carpenter's owls and drink turpentine with razor blades than listen to that shite!" business. Hey asshole, the point is for you to explain WHY it's a

If you are spending that much time in Karaoke friendly zones, you have only yourself to blame.

Obviously you're forgetting Ashton Kutcher.

I see why people nag celebrities for that stuff, but I have to say rowing through the toxic river of Katrina in a friggin' canoe was putting his money where his mouth is.

Ribisi plays a seriously great crazy redneck on My Name Is Earl. I unapologetially love that show. I binge watched two seasons on Netflix in like a week.

My little nieces did a hilarious Nell impression. They really liked the movie, i guess I thought it was pretty good actually. Who even has any reference for what a feral child would would be like - besides The Road Warrior of course.

How about DiCaprio in What's Eating Gilbert Grape? Arnie reminded me exactly of kids at my grade school and especially a girl in my neighborhood we would hang out with (and I would gladly fight anyone who made fun of them, my earliest sense of moral social outrage.) The crimp in his hand with two fingers extended,

And Olivier said to him "why didn't you just act." Then BBT mumbled something about Tom Petty and trashed a drum kit.

I don't get the Jack White thing any more than I get the Gangam thing. Less I guess because people actually think he's awesome. I can't fathom it. It sounds like a million post punk bands to me.