Winnebago Man

Totally. People care about as much as they do what network a show us on, or what label a cd. And why should that be different? They're just looking for a good time.

The reason I don't see him monkeying with the music very much is that unlike all his other films including all singing /all dancing ones, in this case the musician and his legacy are what drives the thing. I think they know hip-hopping Elvis would incite Elvis and even some Hip Hop fans. Maybe for credit sequence

Anyone want to bite on this stinking troll bait? I'll pass.

Consider my love…burning.

The already have some by David Gueta and XLR

Paul Giamatti was all fired up to play Parker in the Bubba Ho Tep sequel that never materialized. Fingers crossed he'll land the role in this. Especially since Seymor-Hoffman is no longer with us.

I've wondered if Paul Rudd might be able to pull off Elvis, he certainly is a beautiful male specimen, and resembles Elvis more than a little. Don't know if he has those kind of chops, but it would be worth a screen test. His lip sync bit on Fallon was phenomenal, that's a plus. I mention this because Rudd often

That's when the internal conflict sets in, yes. But the seeds for his downfall were planted in the 50's, with the ailing health and death of his mother who the his closest, most trusted friend he would ever have, and meanwhile Col. Parker manipulating his ambition and fear of returning to poverty to mindfuck him into

Scorsese was planning to do a Sinatra bio and said he was inspired by I'm Not Here to do something highly non-linear (but NOT with Frank being played by 8 actors who mostly don't look like him.) God willing, Baz will beat him to it with Elvis. That could really breathe new llfe into a familiar story.

Certainly there is a link with Mr. Banks as it portrays another of the very top cultural icons of the 20th Century. And by that I mean Richard Sherman. Or was it Robert.

How is Doubtfire even a name? Has anyone ever met a Doubtfire?

Well of course everyone's experience will vary, but how can you not acknowledge that Hollywood attracts a shit ton of shallow, vapid, money & fame hungry douches and bimbos that flood that town? Sure it involves his industry and his personal experience - how could anyone's opinion not? - but that very industry

See Daniel Stern in Wonder Years. Ridiculous that such a Leave it to Beaver suburban kid would later develop a nasal Jewish accent.

I don't know of any related viral video. As mentioned in my above response, I was referencing Simpsons. Because after all, this is AVC.

The fact that Saget's bottom feeding schtick fits so well with the general level of that on Comedy Central Roasts is exactly why I can't stand the guy. Besides which, your allusion makes no sense since the Roasts are about riffing on specific foibles, flaws and failures of the target, where as I merely used an

Yes, how could I have possibly forgotten some Bob Saget VO from an episode or two (which is all it took for me) that aired 9 years ago? "Umm," clearly my Saget radar is not as finely honed as yours.

Yes, because he started with an air-tight script from people who could fucking write. Pee Wee's Big Adventure also stays on the rails despite insane flightiness because Paul Ruebens had a clear vision for his own character. It's when Burton tells his own "inspired" stories that things start promisingly, then fall

The Burtonization comes from a total obsession with art design and ineptitude in developing minor details such as story, plot, dialogue, characterization, subtext, coherence.

Totally. Diabetes cancer-aids.

No need to make an exception for Sweeney Todd. A nice effort in many respects, but Burton in his art design tunnel-vision failed to even consider that musicals, especially with tricky Sondheim melodies, might need people who can actually sing. The supporting cast did okay, and I could even give Depp a sort-of pass,