Winnebago Man

Also, Tom Wilson is a lot funnier as young Biff, a little old Biff goes a very long way, and it really suffers from balancing so much his way, presumably because Glover was gone. Which is a real shame because with due respect to Chris Lloyd, his is THE standout performance in the original, breathing new life into the

Snark aside, I'm surprised so many like this movie. I found it garish and witless first time out.

Yeah, I'm sure that's accurate. But i do seem to recall more covers with Nirana, Pearl Jam & Soundgarden than all the punk bands total - admittedly that could be faulty memory and annoyance at the genre making it seem like more (as a crusty classic rock guy who likes the Boomer bands.)

And I always enjoy a delightful little snicker when someone calls your observation banal while basing their point on improper labeling.

Where can I vote for no more Community news until it's back on the air. Guest stars are fine and good but I just want our 6 (or is it 4.5) main characters again, and don't want to think about them not being back yet in the meantime. This goes double for Harmon's ego freak outs. I just want the show.

Agree Agree Agree. There are those that argue Rolling Stone became a booster for grunge because they largely missed the boat on 70's punk, making them look irrelevant, and wanted to get on in the ground floor of the new "alternative" spin. MTV still cared about a rock audience and were too late for punk, plus most

At least your response hipped me to a new internet acronym I never saw. It's cool, it's mostly a rant for people who find the screenplay really gets under their skin, like it does mine, and were really disapointed the turned a horror book into a light effects adventure for the kiddies with a handful of scares.

I don't hate Spielberg, I love a lot of his films and insist Minority Report is one of the most socially relevant sci-fi's in decades with all it has to say about our disappearing privacy, the rising police state, and most of all as analogy for the destructive nature of all fundamentalism and it's attendant belief in

I said I was out, but one added concession. It occurs to me that you or others might have taken me literally when I said adult male lovers of this film needed to be closely watched. That was intended jokingly, I apologize if anyone was offended.

Dismissing an eloborately detailed argument about the subtleties of storytelling subtext by using valid comparisons, including an assessment of the director at hand's level of artistic maturity as a "digressive rant," is as reductive and simple-minded as reasoning that a film's overt child sexualization is not

Yeah, for me its: 1. Ogle the breasts. 2. Hopefully forget she even exists.

Given the nasty tone of most online porn, I think it would be Belittling Women. In 10 Years they'll do the Cutey Pies Creampie Edition Blu-Ray

So what, do you think if Besson or Reno were pedophiles, they would have shown Leon banging Portman? That would go over great at the cineplex. Anyway, the real point is that it's not about whether the dipicts pedophelia, or condones it on the surface. The question is, are they irresponsibly exploiting the

The scene where Portman struts around in little costumes including Marylin Monroe seemed was pretty unambiguous about presenting Portman for Leon's and the audience's arousal, also the little choker necklaces are as bad as a push up bra.

Franklin is the stoner guy from Clueless, who deserves to have an acting career, and Bash is the guy from Saved by the Bell, and all that that implies.

I know you're not advocating actual pedophilia, but sarcasm in defense of lusting after minors is pretty hilarious. I'm with Chris on this one. Moretz is a beautiful pubescent, all the more reason I was not comfortable with her fetishization in Kick-Ass. I feel the same about Natalie Portman in The Professional; I

My first thought upon seeing it was not the one from Star Wars* was, slow news day, even for entertainment ephemera.

But it's the very fact that intro/outro are so unique from the main groove that makes it so cool. Stuff like that in the early tracks were, to quote the fashion designer in A Hard Day's Night, "an early clue to a new direction."

Perhaps he will also wear incredibly wacky costumes. If we're lucky.

After hearing American Idiot even once, I was thinking it could make a cool movie musical, a Tommy for the new millenium.  But I was never remotely interested in seeing it as a stage musical, much less a BTS puff piece.