Winnebago Man

Total shit sandwich. My folks got it for me one Xmas and I knew in mere seconds it was going straight to the Disc-Go-Round for a $3 store credit. I recently downloaded a lot of late period Sinatra and sampled a few Duet tracks, as bad a I remembered.

Burned in the USA?

I agree it is fun and part of why is the shameless but suitably energetic appropriation of the heavy narration, dynamic camera movement, and kinetic editing style of Goodfellas. Which means it also has much in common with Trainspotting and Fight Club, because Goodfellas gave the blueprint to all those movies. I

Fey showed a clip on Fallon where she tells Tomlin she's going to her husband's boring work dinner "because people support each other in healthy relationships,"  to which Tomlin responded, "Thank God I'm not in one of those."   That should have been in the trailer.  At least they had sense to pick an actually funny

You can especially never trust comedy trailers.  I always think of how My Cousin Vinny's trailers and TV spots made it look like the year's worst piece of shit.

It's not good, but as someone who has made many television promos for corporate entities, I can almost promise you it sucks because of micro-managing and contradictory directions from their marketing department.  Most editors are very bright, and by nature of the job understand comedy timing and rhythm, and most

Right with you.  In the Seth Meyers / Tonight Show item, Sean was busting out the sarcasm over Tina Fey being way too big a movie star to consider Lorne Michael's supposed offer. Is she, really?   Did people really go bananas for Baby Mama or Date Movie?   The former felt like a few episodes of a barely decent

Yeah, even Christina Hendricks' are out there from a cell phone hacking.

Exactly.  This is one of those newswires, much less frequent these days, that's dripping with sarcasm overkill.  It's as if he called a press conference to announce this, whereas I'm assume it was a random question, to which he gave a perfectly reasonable, honest answer.

Yeah I was giving him the benefit of the doubt until those steaming whoppers. First he reinforces every cliche about self-important pop Twitterholics and their phony sense of connection. Then he talks about Community, a low rated broadcast show many (including myself) come to through DVD, Hulu, digital download, as

Maybe Rushkoff is having a laugh too then, because he doesn't seem to understand it himself, at least not going by his answers.

I'm a Fallon fan, but I think you have hit upon why Meyers probably won't work whereas Fallon does. People tend to love or hate Fallon because of his personality, because he has one, same for all the successful late night hosts (except J Carson who is in his own category.).

One word: hats. The only acceptable "wig" for (non- cross dressing) men. Of course you have to find a look that works for you which may include wardrobe adjustments. Fortunately I was into bowling/50's & 60's style shirts and classic rockabillyish threads before the getting shiny up top. Then I became a swing

He's got scores of impressions that are in the same league.. Google his Van Morrison. Other singers like Axel Rose, countless rappers on his uncanny history of rap duets with Timberlake. Also Russell Brand, Charlie Sheen, Seinfeld, Travolta, Chris Rock, Adam Sandler, just on and on. A lot them are on his CD The

I like the use of the word try, I myself tried but couldn't stay with it. He's not my cup of tea but I definitely respect the guy as having an original and genuine personality as a natural broadcaster. He's got the touch of that Tom Snyder, Jack Paar specialness. I can see, especially after competing and losing to

I can't respond to Lopez, (does anyone else not understand why you can't just respond to anyone?) but I want to be clear that I think Conan is great - one of the best ever, truly. And there's an incredible sweetness to the guy too. It probably sounded like I was bashing, but it's really just a personal thing for

One reason Conan has left my radar is likely because it has the taint of being on TBS, which always felt like the cheesiest, lowest common denominator major network in existence.   The fact that the run Tyler Perry and Big Bang Theory 12 hours a day now does nothing to dispel this.  In short, any time I watched

To be honest, I don't even have a strong opinion about whether Howard Stern is a funny guy or not, objectively speaking.  I'm too busy throwing up from all his endless self-angrandizement and shameless promotion that it's hard to notice if he exhibits a lot of wit or not.  I also find the "it's hilarious to be

Nah, Fallon seems to get a lot of respect from other comedians as far as I can tell.  I even heard Jack Black on a podcast say his Neil Young was so good that it made Young, one of his all-time fav's, seem less special.  Anyone who can get Bruce Springsteen to duet in Young Bruce drag has got something special going

I used to hate on Fallon, mostly because he broke far to easily on SNL, and as Lorne Michaels was once fond of saying, "That's too Carole Burnet."