Winnebago Man

I hated them in the Foosball episode insomuch as I think the creators intended me to hate them, so it worked.  This time they weren't a catalyst for anything interesting, and so they just felt like a lame copy of the whiney German accents of the Nihilists in Big Liebowski, minus the great writing and all.

I will say I liked Koechner in Extract, one of many good elements before the screenplay committed suicide.

I value Salon's leftie take on many things, but shock value absurdity is not one of them. I don't even think Andrew O'heir's movie reviews are generally worth reading, his perspective jumps all over the map, either too political, too personal, or too lame to sit back and enjoy the occasional frivolous Hollywood fun.

Rob Corddry.  I know he was on The Daily Show which always garners respect, but can someone explain the appeal of this guy as an actor?  Seems to me like he plays the same rote, flavorless dumbass party monster / perv jerko guy in every dumb project.

For the times, they are a Chang-ing.

Please God no,  there was a totally freaky weird non-charisma between JVDB, with his GINORMOUS FARM BEAST HEAD,  and Dreama Walker on B——

There are good puns(Skakespeare,) bad puns (carrot top,) and even so bad theyre good (Muppets.) Dismissing entire categories of humor is a great way to show people your dour, joyless side.

When Lucas can't do stormtrooper footprints in the sand as a practical (finger quotes) effect, a sickness has set in. I wanted to yell at the rutting screen over that bullshit.

In interest of civility I will opine that a person doesn't have to be able to do something as well or better than a creator to critique it.  Just because one can't say, build a chair doesn't mean they should never complain if it's not comfortable.  And I don't know how to be a politician but I can certainly tell

You know what I hate, is when movies come out on DVD before I feel like watching them, or when someone brings a given food into the house before I'm in the mood to eat it.  So what, I'm just supposed to choose to wait?  I'm so sure.  Damn them.

I thought Clue for sure, but Clue befits an Agatha Christie style mystery (which surely they will get around to doing,) not a horror episode.  That was weird, but hardly a major distraction for me.

I'd be willing to bet there are plenty Harmon episodes that, judged on their own in fashion, would seem to make Abed a flat, one note character.   That's certainly how I felt from the pilot, the Breakfast Club references seemed so ham fisted and easy, I stopped watching until world of mouth made me try again on DVD.

Winning an Oscar includes bonus vouchers for artificial body enhancement.  That's Hollywood.

Friedberg-Seltzer are the guys that do those dumb as fuck parody movies right?  Whatever legitimate flaws and evidence that Harmon's vision is lost you may find in these episodes, to compare the creators to those all-time super hacks shows no perspective.   In comedy terms, that's playing the Hitler card, basically

I never figured out what they were.  My best guesses were that maybe Troy was Tony the Tiger, and Abed as an 80's punk rocker like Sid Vicious.  Did they even reference it being a team costume?  They had a perfect chance in relation to Jeff & Annie's failed attempt.  I like the inside references but they should have

I think Community has always had some rapid tonal shifts though, that although rushed, still worked, which is how I felt about this one.

My impression, trying to make sense of it, was that they got together shortly before the new school year.  The progression comment could be acknowleding their previous flirtation, which Jeff of all people would pick up on, before even Britta and Troy did.

But you must admit the very existence of the sex room is kind of awesome, because contrary to what I had assumed was out of coercion, it's now clear that Pierce most likely *volunteered* to be the gimp for the Pulp Fiction party (while pretending to resist.) He was probably getting off the entire time and soiling

I think it would be cool if they could develop a supporting character into a catalytic lead to replace Chase.  I can't think offhand who that would be, but please not Chang, please god no.

It's one of the great meta-commentaries of the show that Chase himself was once a sexy mega-star, now, thanks to his narcissism-fueled appetite for drugs and self indulgence, reduced as an old man to what looks like a melted candle version of his former self.