Winnebago Man

I think Community will be fine without Pierce, but I will miss Chase's presence from the nostalgia of when he was consistently funny in his early career.  Hard to imagine his lousy taste in projects won't return, considering he thinks this is beneath him.   It's certainly unlikely he'll do comedy projects as

I could see Willard as a new character that replaces Pierce.  It would have the resonance of that creepy episode where Abed filmed scenes with actors standing in for the others, and they were accurate despite them depicting things he hadn't seen and couldn't have known.  Abed has a psychic savant thing going on.

I'm not that worried about Annie.  As more serious shows such as Mad Men and The Sopranos have so brilliantly illustrated, even as people change over time, they still very often fall back into old behavior patterns.   Especially at the beginning of the school year, which is Christmas morning to Annie, it's

I agree.  I think they punched up the haunted house thing with some nice touches on the found footage docu-horror genre, (though I would have left the revolving bookshelf thing out.)  

Normally I might agree with some that it was an easy and predictable joke, but come on, he was watching the characters on a "TV" monitor, which was organic to the storyline and fits the genre being spoofed.  That's pretty cool and far from gratuitous.  Plus, I laughed.

Ha, yep, maybe I saw a Roger Corman style knock-off, that would explain the quality level and why they cast a guy who sort of looked like Mike Meyers, but had a big mound of putty-looking nose.

Yes, Rivers was there from the beginning, the 1st album was in 1964.   He helped them build their rep., and as an L.A. native he stayed a fixture with a loyal following for long after.  He still occasionally plays there and has even recorded in relatively recent years.  Surely he will at least be dealt with in

Hopefully this means Johnny Rivers will be a character.   Dude was virtually the house band, as heard in an incredibly great string of live albums producing such live hit singles as Memphis and Secret Agent Man.   This kind of consistent success with live recordings is pretty much without comparison in rock music,

Is this sarcasm?  Nowhere does it say it is going to be a musical with people bursting into song.  Comparing it to Scorsese clearly implies it will have a rock and roll attitude and soundtrack to match the setting.

Aaaand I now see that all of my points were already discussed a mere few posts down on the thread.  I should have scrolled down a little more.

Clearly we need Marty DeBergi to weigh in on this terminology, as people often refer to his rockumentary as a mockumentary.   But would not a docu-comedy be a funny but real documentary, like say American Movie (which some find funny but I do not, even though I actually thought it was a mockumentary the first time I

If you ever want to convince someone about the Monkees, play them the psychedelic Nesmith on vocal track, Tapioca Tundra without telling them who it is.  My buddy is going, Who is this, Wilco?  Me: Do you like it?  Him: It's amazing.  Me: Then you like The Monkees   Him: Fuck you!

Oh, and Jackson 5 / M.J. pretty much can't lose with kids.   Of course they would hear it eventually anyway, but to get them to appreciate melody and hooks early could help them distinguish quality pop from pure radio crapola down the line.

I didn't get the joke either, but I'm quick to defend The Monkees as a superb choice.  I think with vocal delivery the gag could have killed.

If you told me you were drowning, I would not lend a hand. There must be some misunderstanding. Anyway, it don't matter to me what you say, what you say say say, believe me.

If you told me you were drowning, I would not lend a hand. There must be some misunderstanding. Anyway, it don't matter to me what you say, what you say say say, believe me.

Meant to say Tim Allen in Toy Trilogy below, but can't edit my comment. Posting on iPad is a glitch fest.

Meant to say Tim Allen in Toy Trilogy below, but can't edit my comment. Posting on iPad is a glitch fest.

He's terrific in Monsters Inc but then so is Tim Allen, so almost anyone can ride to greatness on Pixar's back. I don't know if I'd call Mr. Saturday Night his best thing ever, but bad makeup aside it was way better than I expected, and obviously a personal statement he was born to make, for all the reasons Rabin

He's terrific in Monsters Inc but then so is Tim Allen, so almost anyone can ride to greatness on Pixar's back. I don't know if I'd call Mr. Saturday Night his best thing ever, but bad makeup aside it was way better than I expected, and obviously a personal statement he was born to make, for all the reasons Rabin