Winnebago Man

I've never seen them perform but listening to their comedy albums was just plain weird.  They sound exactly alike so it's like a guy riffing with and interrupting himself.  Which sounds potentially awesome, but I found it unnerving.  

I've never seen them perform but listening to their comedy albums was just plain weird.  They sound exactly alike so it's like a guy riffing with and interrupting himself.  Which sounds potentially awesome, but I found it unnerving.  

Starring Robert DeNiro smirking beneath the bat cowl, and Ben Stiller as the neurotic beat cop forced to partner with him to battle The Penguin / Dustin Hoffman.

Starring Robert DeNiro smirking beneath the bat cowl, and Ben Stiller as the neurotic beat cop forced to partner with him to battle The Penguin / Dustin Hoffman.

Skare Postie is Curt is like saying Urkel is Holden Caufield. And Joanie started as a buck toothed Jr Chipmunk, not a high school senior being pressured to sleep with her brother Ron Howard. Oh wait…

Skare Postie is Curt is like saying Urkel is Holden Caufield. And Joanie started as a buck toothed Jr Chipmunk, not a high school senior being pressured to sleep with her brother Ron Howard. Oh wait…

For all the timea it was used in the show it might as well been Sh-boom.

For all the timea it was used in the show it might as well been Sh-boom.

Agreed. You need a faux clever physical action resolving a cheesy conflict. Fail.

Agreed. You need a faux clever physical action resolving a cheesy conflict. Fail.

And again, mystifyingly, no mention of MINORITY REPORT!!!

And again, mystifyingly, no mention of MINORITY REPORT!!!

I LOVED it when it came out, have wondered since if it would hold up.

I LOVED it when it came out, have wondered since if it would hold up.

Isnt it shot by Barry Sonnenfeld, who did the Coens early films? Would explain it.

Isnt it shot by Barry Sonnenfeld, who did the Coens early films? Would explain it.

Agreed. And to those who grouse about opining on the guy's work instead of eulogizing deeply on the passing of a human being, this is the AVC not NYTimes obits or Tony Scott's Facebook page. That's some self serious hand wringing youre indulging in.

Agreed. And to those who grouse about opining on the guy's work instead of eulogizing deeply on the passing of a human being, this is the AVC not NYTimes obits or Tony Scott's Facebook page. That's some self serious hand wringing youre indulging in.

Good flick but it's no Jackie Brown. Poignant and (mostly) plutonic love story between Max and Jackie is greater than all the tough guy antics and monologues combined. It's Tarantino's most emotionally mature work and it's executed flawlessly.

Good flick but it's no Jackie Brown. Poignant and (mostly) plutonic love story between Max and Jackie is greater than all the tough guy antics and monologues combined. It's Tarantino's most emotionally mature work and it's executed flawlessly.