Winnebago Man

I couldn't reply to you below (Disquus is getting better but still weird to me) so will do so here. I'm pretty sure there is a second season with another six, possibly on DVD or iTunesVuduAmazon. After the diminishing returns I jumped ahead and read AVC's review of the last few episodes. They were very disappointed

I couldn't reply to you below (Disquus is getting better but still weird to me) so will do so here. I'm pretty sure there is a second season with another six, possibly on DVD or iTunesVuduAmazon. After the diminishing returns I jumped ahead and read AVC's review of the last few episodes. They were very disappointed

Despite ScarJo's obvious awesomeness, there's something about an attractive fair skinned woman with dark hair, strong eyebrows, and dark piercing eyes that gets me every time. Hall has this going on in spades.

Despite ScarJo's obvious awesomeness, there's something about an attractive fair skinned woman with dark hair, strong eyebrows, and dark piercing eyes that gets me every time. Hall has this going on in spades.

As a big David Cross fan I liked it at first, but found it Increasingly Poor, and bailed.

As a big David Cross fan I liked it at first, but found it Increasingly Poor, and bailed.

Not to piss on anyones parade but i think the running gag that a reunion season is too good to be true has been worn deadly thin by now. Maybe because despite recognizing it is a very high quality show, im just not a fan. I guess now i know how non-fans of Community must feel…

Not to piss on anyones parade but i think the running gag that a reunion season is too good to be true has been worn deadly thin by now. Maybe because despite recognizing it is a very high quality show, im just not a fan. I guess now i know how non-fans of Community must feel…

I'm with Genji***, and i saw at least 45 minutes of it before pulling the plug.

I'm with Genji***, and i saw at least 45 minutes of it before pulling the plug.

God but that woman is ravishing (not based on this pic.). In Vicky Christy Barcelona I thought she would burn a hole through my brain, even next to Scarlett and Penelope.

God but that woman is ravishing (not based on this pic.). In Vicky Christy Barcelona I thought she would burn a hole through my brain, even next to Scarlett and Penelope.

Marc Maron is certainly a fan, he French kissed his ass endlessly as a roasting legend on WTF. Personally the roast thing has an ugly frat boy vibe i find obnoxious, but that's kind of the point, to go and then cry about a topical mean joke is pretty fucking stupid.

Marc Maron is certainly a fan, he French kissed his ass endlessly as a roasting legend on WTF. Personally the roast thing has an ugly frat boy vibe i find obnoxious, but that's kind of the point, to go and then cry about a topical mean joke is pretty fucking stupid.

If you listen to only one Kitty Wells song, Will Your Lawyer Talk To God FTW. That shit will chill your blood.

If you listen to only one Kitty Wells song, Will Your Lawyer Talk To God FTW. That shit will chill your blood.

Yes, in the shopworn tradition of "watching a person drown" songs. WTF? Some lines are cliche but since they are generally upbeat sentiments, the contrasting ominous production undercuts all of that.

The fact it inspired the urban legend attests to the potency of its menace and mystery. You have it backwards, the fact it's not true demonstrates that it's great.

The fact it inspired the urban legend attests to the potency of its menace and mystery. You have it backwards, the fact it's not true demonstrates that it's great.

Good enough for Robert Plant on his first 2 solo albums. Rumour has it he had worked with at least one pretty decent drummer and knew his shit.