Winnebago Man

Personally I agree, and I find the affected Americana of Bungalo Bill and Rocky Racoon to be a bit on the boring side.

Likely while Sally is about to be deflowered by Glen.

I predict Renner will be cast in the Uncharted movie when that finally happens. I'd love Nathan Fillion too, but that's unlikely. Renner > Whalberg. You heard it here first.

You do know that the French plotless art film director (Delicatessen, City of Lost Children,) barely used Whedon's script, right? Also I'm pretty sure Joss never demande Wynona Ryder. Can't blame him for the mess.

If a hollywood exec is reading this, we can probably expect a Viewmaster movie franchise announced any day now. Thanks, thanks a lot….

The story goes that they made a conscious decision in advance to do a post conversion, and took measures in the way of technical preparations to aid in a quality post job. I believe it because I thought the 3-D was good, better than I expected. But then I though it was good in Thor too, another post job, so you might

I assume you are joking after the concert debacle. I imagine Don' record collection to be heavy on Rat Pack, Nat King Cole, some do woo & R&B, one Hank collection to occasionally honor his roots, a smattering of classical (which he liked at Pete's party and because the Hi Fi trend was sold w classical.) For laughs I

I remember being similarly floored to hear the real Elvis' Don't Be Cruel in Barry Levinson's Diner. Before that Col. Parker priced Elvis out of such use, starting with American Graffiti to Lucas's disappointment (note his blatant use of Hound Dog to start that shitty Indy IV.). Later the estate would wise up and

It was an obscure instrumental cover version.

Naw, Meghan's not thumbing her nose at Don, she's heeding her dad's accurate observation.

Since He doesn't like Don nailing his daughter, he can't resist reminding Don some kid, likely with long hair, will soon be nailing his own. But his disregard for Sally was inexcusable. I'd have been glad to see Din bitch slap him.

Ken is the coolest but fears Don is still on love leave.

Glenn is one of the most honest and unassuming characters. And he's supportive of Sally, which she needs desperately. But he has a deep sense of mystery and potential menace, which makes him a great character, with a good perf from the little Weiner. I expect he may someday be careless with Sally's trust, but

I can see all of this happening, yet as soon as something plausible is predicted about the show, it goes in another direction.

Fuckin' ay.

Not to mention the ink from Bobby's pen filling. Bad week for the rug. Starting to think it's a metaphor for an easily sullied marriage.

I was surprised to see the touch tone phone in Don's house. Didn't know they existed in 1966 so I assume they were band new. Don & Meghan have all the soul spoiling conveniences.

A talent she clearly gets from Don.

Damn.  I probably skipped over the kinkier stuff finding it too disturbing.  Screwing in the ocean at a public beach was a crazy enough scenario for my young imagination.

Ha, I was Albert (Dick Van Dyke) for BBB in high school, and as student director schooled my buddy Pat in the ways of Elvis mannerisms for his Conrad.   Few of us in the show had ever seen the movie until the cast party at my house, it was so fucking weird to see all the crazy shit added when you know the show like we