Winnebago Man

You might be right about the casting of Dev, but it's the writing of the character, not the casting that is the problem.  AT LEAST the character paid off in something entertaining, FINALLY, which is better than another lousy Top 40 cover with some white bread Adrian Greniere type.  (I mention him because he played an

I am honestly not trying to snark on your references, but does anyone else know what Turkey Lurkey Time (title sounds vaguely familiar)  is or who Alice Playten is?  I respect the knowledge, really, but they do sound like some humorously antiquated references a Martin Short showbiz war horse character would toss off.

I think it would have been cool if they'd welcomed him home, had their nice dinner, then announced the next day he was grounded for a month.  "You like hiding out in bedrooms?  Well knock yourself out.  You pull any shit like that again and you better start looking for a job."

You could start the show with a Nora Desmond-esque Novak ranting about The Artist using the Vertigo score and bemoaning the lack of respect for "The Golden Age," before flashing back to her youth.

But I think to expect a week to week TV show to match the insane craft and intricacy of Bollywood numbers (where film crew labor is dirt cheap, among other differences,) is like expecting them to hold their own with MGM at its peak, also.   Maybe it could happen if there was a Matt Wiener level of musical visionary

My folks had them.   Harold Robbins' The Adventurers, though he was pretty mainstream I guess.  I remember one passage about a couple fucking in the ocean with their upper bodies in view of people  on the shore.

Seriously, they need to stop doing this.  He would have such a rep for being a taddle weasel by now, all these private exchanges in public areas period, much less with him lurking around are a real joke.

Is no one going to comment on Dev's stealth gay joke:  Having drinks with David Bowie in the meat packing district…  Maybe he's subconsciously expressing latent desires.

Jane probably convinced him by telling him Cary Grant tripped.

Can I just say that I loved how Ginsburg's origin story was seen by Peggy (and us) only by his reflection.  Gave it a great ethereal, sci-fi quality.   Clearly Peggy wants to resist connecting with him because he's so untamed (note how they type facing opposite directions, him facing outwards from the office, being

What was equally awesome was layering an old crooner number over top of the Beach Boys as Roger had an out of body experience watching himself slow dance with Jane.  (Sounded like it could have been Perry Como but it was hard to make out.)  Awesome firstly because it represents the era of Roger's youth that he most

It's a low blow, but to me a sympathetic reaction from someone trying to deal with a control freak who won't stay on subject.  Don bringing irrelevant stuff like her mother into it, with attendant random resentments, is just the kind of avoidance that makes another person go there.  It's a way of saying "if it's fair

I was too busy gasping to think of that.  Because you just don't openly mock Don Draper, any more than you taunt Happy Fun Ball.  But God I loved her for doing it.  I think I'll go rewatch that right now.

Are you saying Don's self righteous stand made with Pete wasn't 100% earnest and coming from a place of deep self-knowledge?  Because it's Don Draper we're talking about.   That lecture practically started the countdown to a messy fucking fall out.  Especially after he and Megan swept their issues over the party under

Making Jane sexier than she's been in a long time was a great impressionistic choice.  In my experience a partner looks super sexy during a relatively amicable breakup, and of course when you first see them again after a while apart.   It's your brain telling you "stay with this woman and make babies.  The species

Funny, because as much as I enjoy watching the character, and as much as he's probably the person I would pick first to watch drop acid on the show, I find myself generally uncomfortable actually being around someone so self involved, so glib and so acidic, and one of the last I'd chose to drop acid with.

I'm seriously sure you've hit upon the reason that awful song was shoehorned into the show; gay men are suckers (NPI) for hideous pop monstrosities with throbbing club beats. Okay, puns intended, but it's true. Cue "What Is Love?"

Google Image is an easy way to check things like this.

Not hard to believe for me. Sometimes an artist admires most something he knows is out of his league. Your favorite doesn't mean it influenced you the most.

Totally agree. He is way too jaded as a pussy hound to go google eyed over this girl next door. I could tolerate it for a flash last week but enduring it for the duration of random classic pop song production was just to much to bear.