
I was really into CHiPs and The Dukes of Hazzard. I also watched Moonlighting, Charlie's Angels, The Love Boat, and Fantasy Island. I never missed the A-Team. Watched a lot of sitcoms. But I never saw any of the shows on this list. The nighttime soaps were considered old-lady shows where I lived.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who's been getting those two confused for years.

I'm with you Frat Guise. I was over the moon when I discovered that Ad Block Plus now blocks Hulu commercials. You still have to look at a screen for 30 seconds that says, "Hulu cannot load our ads," but then it's back to the show. Much better than ads.

What Tanooki said. When I couldn't afford cable and was stuck with broadcast channels, I watched a lot of the CW. Why? Because at least it's different than all the lame crime-fighting shows on the big 3 networks. But once I got cable again, my CW viewing is almost non-existent.

El Santo, you're my hero.

Don Staples, I've heard Eddie Izzard talk in his stand up about The Great Escape being a Christmas institution in the UK. Here, it's The Sound of Music, which always seemed like a British film to me because of Julie Andrews. And it also involves an escape from the Nazis. Why is everyone escaping the Nazis at

"What does that mean?'
"It means 'kind to trees', darling."
"How are they kind to trees?"
"Well they're not made of wood, are they?"

How do you die just a few weeks after being diagnosed? I can't believe this. I love this band.

This is making me paranoid. I've clicked on the profile of every [e] person on this page, and I see no pattern.

I think we've been marked. Now if we only knew what we all had in common…

Thank you! What the hell is up with this? I'm posting to see if I become one of the chosen few like Ted.

But what about the class where they lost that lovin' feelin'?

Dumbo, the Flying Wetbar. He circles the earth, spotting people having really bad days, then descends and makes them drinks.

Really? You think it should read "You are ego's writing checks"? Your is correct.

Um…I need a translation for "Whay'allat."

I never saw them at the library, but my friends had them. They were great for Hide-and-Seek! I have tried searching on Amazon and Google, but I'm just getting results with 'giant' in the title. But they definitely existed, Binky!

OK, Fluttershy has the best birds. Buzzards that can really buzz!

I'm inclined to side with Crow, Yankee Deer, but I am kinda biased.