
Crow's all, "Hey, MechaStreisand - nice hinder."

*Dusts off her 12-gauge*
*and her surfboard too*

Hey guys, I've been super busy with end-of-the-semester work. I am going to catch up with this thread one of these days. Just wanted to let you know I haven't forgotten you all.

And you get to say, "I paid a guy 8 bucks to look at me."

If that was some veiled criticism of me, I won't hear it; and I won't respond to it.

Hey Girl…
…I'll let you ride my horse.

You should judge him, Fluttershy. You should also deploy your ordnance upon him from above.

David Icke

I disagree, Whovian. This is an increasingly popular, beautiful young actress. Saorise is about to become the new Dakota as far as popular baby names for girls.

How is 'Saoirse' pronounced?

Thanks, GeoGreg. I've been looking for something to replace the Star Wars "Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" Button.

I remember those tiny girls were back in the Japanese film Godzilla 2000. People from many of the old '50s films had cameos.



Utterly fucking brilliant. I was disappointed in season 1 when they were injecting Olivia with LSD, but she didn't seem trippy. Tonight they made up for it.

How was it, Broyles? You had Astrid hold your hand…you were vulnerable.