
Favorite Walter Quotes!
"It was a nude ski run. By time you got to the bottom, your testicles would be in your mouth."

No way. The Observers are clearly modeled after Bill Corbett's Observer character from Mystery Science Theater 3000. That takes some nerdy balls. They won't go the angel route. They know that us nerdy, ballsy people would kill them for it.


Iam NOT glad that I saw that before bed.

"Yee Yee can have a satisfied Georgy no matter Jodie's beaver size."

The Dorm the Dripped Blood…
…On Alex?

From the Deadline article:
"Setting a Jewish guy to play a nun certainly sounds like David is playing against type." You know what else is against type? Naming the character 'Mengele' after the Nazi Angel of Death!

He shoulda said he was Bruce (Bruce!) Bruce (Bruce!) Springsteen.

This conundrum caused him to hang his wallpaper poorly; and upside down. Fortunately, Emerson Cod happened along and knitted him some Mithril.

Burl's back! And he's familiar with The Anal Intruder…

Also, the Soup Nazi was in that trailer. So there's that.

Pelvis Bash causes hip displaysia.

It's like getting slapped in the face by a seal holding Buster's severed hand in its mouth.

Don't be so modest, Fluttershy. Todd thinks you're the best! And many of us agree with him!

It would totally make sense if he did it as Gordon Cole.

Must…resist…Hypnotoad's…embrace…of shitty show…(Fuck!)

I remember her…
…From soulfully singing the theme song of Roseanne in the final, heartbreaking moments of the series. Try watching that without getting a tear in your eye. R.I.P., Phoebe Snow.

In 1996, I was working in a casino, on the 9pm to 5 am shift. Hunter played in 3-hour blocks on some channel in the middle of the night in our breakroom, and it was that or infomercials, so about 200 Trump Casino dealers became really invested in Fred Dryer. You'd be coming out of the breakroom, and someone coming

How dare you insult Sheltie? How. Dare. You.