
Jack thought he had a map, but really it was just a picture of balls.

Be like Charlie Sheen and cure yourself with your brain, Felt.

Wow, Cheney has no pulse because his heart is machine-operated. Shouldn't he technically be classified as a zombie?

And a wardrobe montage!

I guess the moral of Robuttnik's story is to never take it out in front of a dog. Or, always live in houses that have bathrooms, and make use of those bathrooms.

Easy whacker…get a hold of your unit, believe it…

Somebody call Glenn Beck!

Really, the dog? I think we've seen definitive proof that doing so makes you crazy.

That video was incredible. I could not stop laughing.

Some see it as half-full; others see it as half-empty.

Where ya been, Gentle Herpes? [claps furiously]

It is a good episode. And Tommy Shaw is a great interview subject. No pretentious bullshit in him. He's the opposite of that "…notoriously prickly interview subjects" article from earlier today.

I was 9 years old when Mr. Roboto came out, and let me tell you, that song was HUGE among the 9-year-old crowd.

Mulder saw an alien probe, while Scully just saw gay anal sex.


Van Haliens?

The interview is pretty good, though: