
I meant for this to be my sober account and make another that was Hyde for when drunk, but it didn't work out.

I'd love to shove a railroad spike through Zac Efron's eye.

Where the fuck is the collapse thread button? It's the only way to get past the initial "clever" posts and pun threads

It actually, in a way, does.

Jesus, Jennifer Beals is black? This is what i'm saying, people.

Thank you. I was thinking it and felt like a dick.

I think it's because I can't remember the last time he surprised me.

That's what I mean— I'd like to see him take on those darker aspects of a character because I think he can do it and it'd be great. In fact, wasn't Hank Pym a wife beater? I've already seen Paul Rudd do easygoing and likable like 15 times, now I wanna see him do something meaty.

I'm sorry but LaGuerta only became hotter when she morphed to bench form.

I'd really like to see Paul Rudd take on a role with some teeth. Hope it's him. I feel like I already know how JGL would play it. (ETA: He's a fine actor, but in Rudd I think they've got someone who could be revelatory in the role, like Robert Downey Jr was as Iron Man.)

He's in the long list of directors who might do something tolerable if they weren't allowed any creative input. Like, even one line.

I think he may agree.

Spoiler: they're aliens.

Downvoted for "WOO!"

The scenes with the kid were the best in the movie because they're the only ones that weren't utterly predictable.

Ugh. There's gotta be a way to adjust the line height of this text. It looks like it's about 1.5; plain old 1 is best for readability.

I'd rather watch Tom Hanks but I have no confidence that I'd be able to actually see him when the movie's directed by Paul Greengrass.

I spent a short time in jail once, where the reading material is thin. It's mostly grocery store romance novels (although there was one James Patterson; it's where I learned to hate him). Anyway, somehow a Twilight book made it in, and, I am not making this up, everyone loved it. My cellmate was a Marine and he raved

That whole birthday party thing makes me root for him. Every other 80's star has grown up and changed (for better or worse), but he's still rockin the hair and the sunglasses and throwing parties even though no one comes. That's some moxie right there. For how many decades would you keep throwing the same party after

I don't think Disqus is really intended for longstanding communities or serious discussions. The way A.V.Club commenters tend to use it is more like an old fashioned message board. Disqus is more suited to, say, Entertainment Weekly articles, where the commenters are coming out of a random pool of 2 million.