Jason of the Oregonauts

There's a reason this album got a minus. They know what's coming.

Yea. This quote really worried me: "A heroin ring uses a syndicate of dentists for a front."

"But none for Hispanics, of course."


Maybe they can even do a Walkthrough feature with it!

Yes, Will is really the character who doubts things too much.

It was an understood yes.

They will, won't they?

My guess is the reviewer (and many others, I've noticed) aren't taking issue with the quality of the music, but the type of sound they build. After the Disco is an appropriate title. Though it's pop music, the music fits less with a night of drinks and dancing than with the hungover night-sweats as you question your

Wow, not in agreement here. Picked this up Friday and have absolutely loved the sound.

Are you turning yourself in?

I'd say, though they both get criticized and mocked, they're both relatively liked by the general public. Most people I know absolutely despise Kanye West and just about every move he makes.

I actually thought this week about how Harry could be perfect to follow in JT's footsteps. He's got the charisma and the stage talent to do it.

Did Walt know Todd was infatuated?

Did anyone else see that tarantula crawling towards Jesse in the desert? Because that happened.

Glad to see this getting talk. Saw them last night, and it was simply beautiful. Full solo sets from both plus most of the collab album. Hot damn.

That kind of makes sense, though. If you don't do anything wrong, you don't really remember all the details to avoid getting caught.

Like father, like son.

She repeated the motto so I think that means assassin training?

I love Jon, but let's be honest, he had that coming.