Jason of the Oregonauts

He's really great. Probably the closest thing the series has to a righteous character. It's just so impractical in the middle of a war.

Odor and Reek? I smell a buddy comedy!

"It's not easy being drunk all the time. Everyone would do it if it were easy."

I liked Theon's sister a lot tonight. Can't wait to see how she dies.


No, Jesus walks. Yeezus runs.

No one cares about your birthday, man. Not even Kirk's mom.

I get why that movie was marketed to pot-smokers. So hopefully they would forget they even watched it.

Oh wow. This, kids, is why you should drink at 1 in the afternoon.

I'm okay with this Newswire because pictures of the adorable Anna Kendrick.

Yea, content doesn't really matter for those sports fans. Can you yell & stomp to it? It's a winner.

I enjoy it & few of my records sound shitty, even on my $15 Goodwill setup. Don't be so damn critical, Critic

That's a strange way to describe O'Neal.

No, it was on DVD.

Which… they're the same actress, yea? She & Jessica Walter really just brought their characters to Archer.

Morrissey newswires are my favorite.

Why is time being wasted on this. A NEW DAWES ALBUM CAME OUT TODAY. WHERE IS MY A+ REVIEW?