GG 206045 Allin

If i wasn't already dead I'd want someone to kill me now.

If i wasn't already dead I'd want someone to kill me now.

But a hand in the bush is worth two tits in the mouth.

But a hand in the bush is worth two tits in the mouth.

The author clearly has not spawned, or else he'd know that six-year-olds are a little old for this stuff. Or else my kid is a genius, one or the other. Four is a little more on the money.

The author clearly has not spawned, or else he'd know that six-year-olds are a little old for this stuff. Or else my kid is a genius, one or the other. Four is a little more on the money.

Can I help you?

Can I help you?


Isn't this guy running Egypt now?

Isn't this guy running Egypt now?

Bob's your uncle, what?

Bob's your uncle, what?

What, no plates of bangers and mash (or fish 'n' chips) on the aluminium bonnet of a lorry? hmph

What, no plates of bangers and mash (or fish 'n' chips) on the aluminium bonnet of a lorry? hmph

Nice to see someone's kept one of my T-shirts.

Nice to see someone's kept one of my T-shirts.

I would like to wee on her boobies.

I would like to wee on her boobies.
