
I'm trying to think of some "Gift of the Magi"-twinged joke to make about your post involving breasts and ejaculation. Coming up with nothing though.

I agree. I don't know why The End or Unknown Soldier enjoy more notoriety. My daughter has loved the song since she was 5 because of the "carrying babies to the river" part.

it's called a speculum, actually.

you got the muthafucking re-writes for this week's episizode, bitch?

why wouldn't he just remember that it was Tom Petty? It was obvious from the movie (people's ages, etc.) that not a whole lot of time had passed since the world was normal. That shit always bugged me. Defiance made me mad too. It was only 2046 and somehow everybody forgot what St. Louis was called. "They call

I had an old issue of National Lampoon Magazine that had 3 pages of physical adjectives and their actual meaning. That's where I got the barrel chested thing.

Mystical Honkey

Barrel Chested= Fat with good posture

I thought it looked like the father/son were tracking or chasing Morgan when I watched it. Seemed like he was just defending himself. Maybe I read that into it and they were just jogging in the woods.

Nice Kelly's Heroes mention.

King has never scared me too bad but reading The Road made my stomach hurt and I actually peeked cautiously through my blinds a few times when I heard noises outside my house.

my thoughts exactly. I was hoping to see more of her, especially now that they've tamed-down Rosita's wardrobe.

I envy you. I guess I'm just jaded.

2nd that

I have never typed this before and I generally hate seeing it, but…LOL

My mom is 63 as well. Bonnie seemed to show her age with some of the comments but at other times seemed very with-it in a pop cultural sense. My mom would have no idea who Jon Benjamin is.

It seems like some of the advice he gives actually helps. Am I remembering correctly..? Didn't the racist caricature drawing thing actually work out well for the guy?

who thought that stupid commercial with the guy dangling from the truck with his bowling ball was the show coming back on? Was that commercial designed specifically for this episode?? It looked like the exact same location.

***Valley Girl is on TCM tonight at 11:45pm***

the "water world" theme from super mario??? That shit is beautiful.