
If I had to guess…it is probably because it talks about the rumor that she had a kid ( probably with her dad) when she was 12 years old.

I presume LBJ was yelling something about his own dick?

ever see the Star Trek where Abe Lincoln called Uhura a "charming negress" ?

Grover Cleveland Steamer

"I remember when you could stop a clock,… but ain't that America?"

Word dat. One of the most criminally under-rated in the pantheon of "hot chicks".

yeah, what the hell was that shirt? My wife has one of those she wears on her shoulders with dresses, but she's not strung-out dude.

sometimes she makes me want to play myself

White Russian before wine.
See on what it was you dined.

and French Stewart is the official spokesman!

CVS sells a coffee liquer for about 6-7 dollars a fifth. Makes far cheaper drinks than Kahlua.

Cambodian breast milk

I thought you were using "fuckin fat" as an adjective at first…trying to insinuate that dan's cocktail was too caloric.

Bud Light Chelada is pretty damned tasty. Clamato is a big improvement over standard tomato juice, in my opinion.

what are you studying?

Dave Mustaine yelled at my buddy one time for holding up the line at an autograph signing as he was trying to work his new (It was late 90's) digital camera.

I ain't no muffhucking Professor Pickles!

did anybody else think it was strange that the single handgun bullet dropped Vera almost instantly? What kind of uprising can they hope to have if they are that fragile? I thought it was going to have to be the previously mentioned double-hemisphere headshots to really take them out of commission.

his name is Odi… If Vera would have been a little more sarcastic and scarfing down lasagna we'd have had something.

He totally fucked Coolio blind!